117. Harvest (1/2)

" I need to make a confirmation. I hope you can understand, because I don't have the authority to make a decision. "

"Alright." Xia Ji's face was gentle as he handed the golden mask to Flora.

Flora was stunned.

Xia Ji said, " I've already finished reading the information on this mask, so I'm giving it to the Sand Country. This is yours to begin with…" Moreover, I destroyed this pyramid. I'm really sorry."

Flora pursed her lips. She looked at this foreign Asian man and felt that he was very generous.

She had seen many strong people, and every one of them was a male chauvinist with extreme self-esteem. They had to fight fiercely with others everywhere, but the man in front of her was completely different from those people…His existence seemed to tell her something:

The truly strong were never stingy with their manners, never overbearing, never sensationalizing, and never calculative. They seemed to be quietly pursuing their own things or lives.