12. Regret in the Past Life, Compensation in This Life (2 in 1)

"Who killed her?"

In the cultivation room, the woman's voice was trembling. She was very beautiful. Although it was winter, her skin was still like flowing flames, making people's mouths dry. Her delicate body was wrapped in dreamy silver sand.

She crossed her long legs and pondered quietly.

The hidden " dog collar " on her thigh no longer had any deterrence. No one could kill her with a thought.

This woman was naturally the number one beauty of the Su family, Su Yueqing, who was also An Rongrong.

He was the family head of the Su family at the end of the fire tribulation, and also the family head who had led the Su family to prosperity in his previous life.

It was the woman who had made a promise with Xia Ji, and the woman who had not fulfilled the promise for nine thousand years.

At this moment, she could already feel the death of the " real Eldest Princess ".

"No matter who killed her, I have a lot of things to do now."