21. The Terrifying Pangu

Although the world was in turmoil, it was just a matter of mobilizing troops.

The most turbulent core was always at the Wu family's exit.

There were seven exits in the Wu family, and the most remote one was in the Sky Cloud Peak.

The Heavenly Cloud Peak was located in the south, close to the East Sea. There were many wild beasts and miasma in the mountains. Even hunters would not come here to hunt.

At this moment, the belly of the largest mountain peak of Heavenly Cloud Peak was filled with light.

It was unknown where the light came from, but it illuminated the huge space.

The belly of the mountain was actually completely empty.

The empty space that was almost the size of a dozen football fields was filled with all kinds of puppets, and countless books were piled up in the corners.

Sizzle ...

Chi chi chi!



Clang ~~

Noisy voices rang out.