25. The Second Dead Ancestor (2 in 1)

Chi Yun.

He was the most mysterious of the nine ancestors.

He was also the only one who did not have any power.

Su Tian had once told Xia Ji that Chi Yun could be anyone and appear anywhere.

Chi Yun was not only an assassin, but also a madman. The more he was beaten, the stronger he became.

Just when you thought you were so close to killing him, he would kill all of you instead.

Such a lunatic could make any opponent immediately lose the confidence to go against him, and even want to commit suicide to get rid of him.

Chi Yun had killed far too many people.

The number of experts he had killed was more than the number of meals many people had eaten.

He had killed countless mighty figures.

Yes, it was.

Facing such an opponent, it was basically better to stop fighting and quickly wash their necks and wait for him to kill them or commit suicide.

Because you would realize that resisting was useless.