27. Fangzhang Island, Dharma Power Summer Extreme (2 in 1)

A domineering 10,000-foot-long saber Qi appeared in his hand. With a wave of his hand, he turned his hand and slashed those cultivators who had malicious intentions and wanted to speak.

Their bodies couldn't withstand the energy of the Dharma Saber and exploded, falling to the ground.

This way, no one dared to approach.

Xia Ji sighed and shook his head.

He was not in a hurry to enter the Mysterious Heaven Temple. Instead, he sat cross-legged at the entrance of the Mysterious Heaven Temple, quietly waiting for the feedback of the group of demons.

When evening came, before the demons returned, a ruddy Taoist from the Mysterious Heaven Temple came down from the distance.

His voice drifted over.

"I am Lei Xiaozi, the leader of the Mysterious Heaven Temple.

Fellow cultivator, why have you come to my Mysterious Heaven Temple?"

"Has anyone been to the Mysterious Heaven Temple recently?" Xia Ji asked directly.