3. You and I Will Be at ease

Autumn rain at night, carrying desolation, quietly knocking on the eaves,

And slide down with the slanting roof of the old house

Drop by drop, they were shattered on the stone steps in front of the door, which were sheltered from the water, and a desolate white flower bloomed.

The originally quiet room suddenly rang with the sound of chanting scriptures.

The voice clearly did not use any power, but it contained an indescribable magic that could make people calm down.

It was a simple sentence, but when someone else read it, the result would be completely different from when the voice read it.

What others read was words…

That voice was actually reading…

The others were like parrots, reading whatever they saw.

The voice was like a divine hand that had waved away the clouds in the sky. It was like a clear moon hanging in the sky, making people unable to extricate themselves from it.