6. Why Teach Me? Why Don't I Teach You?

He went out early in the morning to buy a steamed bun, but he was followed, stopped, and then asked to be his disciple…

What kind of feeling was this?

Miao Miao felt that he was crazy.

She stopped in her tracks and scanned her surroundings. This was a secluded pathway. There were things that the farmers were drying on the side of the grayish-black tiled wall. A few steps forward, it was a busy city again.

At this moment, people were coming and going in the downtown area, shouting and hawking. It was very lively.

Most importantly, there were many alleys in the downtown area. They were like a spider web in the city, which was quite complicated.

Thus, Miao Miao said coldly without turning her head, ""Let me think about it…"

As she was thinking, her black boots moved forward without hesitation. After taking a few steps, she suddenly exerted her strength.