chapter 174 return

Jiang Li then walked out of the commander's tent, followed by Wang Gang and the other meches. 30000 walking corpse puppets stayed outside the camp and 80000 meches were stationed in the camp, taking up a large area.

"My King!"

"your highness!"


in the surroundings.

The soldiers of Tianshui city all saluted Jiang Li. They were very respectful and didn't feel distant like they were yesterday.

Jiang Li had given out nearly 200000 blood refinement pills yesterday, which helped him win over some people's hearts.

Soon after.

Jiang Li went to Luo Tianshui.

Luo Tianshui was patrolling on the border city wall.

"My King."

Luo Tianshui bowed.


yes. Jiang Li nodded and said, " Lord of Tianshui city, I have a task for you.

"Please give your orders, regional King."

Luo Tianshui said.

"Build a floating bridge on the border river today."

Is there a problem? " Jiang Li asked.

"A floating bridge."