The shock

Two hundred meters!

Four hundred meters!

Nine hundred and ninety-nine meters!

A thousand meters!


it did not stop.

After the three-clawed Green Dragon reached a thousand meters, it did not stop growing. It grew from one thousand meters to two thousand meters and finally reached a full three thousand meters long!

Three thousand meters!

An Azure Dragon that was a full 3000 meters long!

"Oh my God!"

"This Suan ni, this Suan ni, this Suan ni"

is this Lord Jiang Li's true dragon? "

"Three thousand meters! Three thousand meters!"


Within the county.

Everyone was dumbfounded. They could clearly see that the three-clawed Green Dragon had grown from 10 meters to 3000 meters.

In the sky above the county.

The 3,000-meter-long three-clawed Green Dragon's huge head was like a vast mountain. The power it emitted was simply irresistible.