The coordinates

immediately unlock 'biological research soldier',' suspension technician', 'air Sentinel',' wormhole upgrade', and 'mechanical nuclear soldier'.


Jiang Li used five level-five soul Tinders to unlock all five types of facilities.

There were still 106 Tier 5 soul Tinders left.

[ biological research soldier has been successfully unlocked! ]


[ hovercraft technician has successfully unlocked! ]


[ air Sentinel has been successfully unlocked! ]


[ wormhole upgrade successful! ]


mechanical nuclear soldier has been successfully unlocked!



Five notifications popped up.

jiang li glanced at it and closed all five pop-up windows.

"hidden dragon,"

open the mech factory, " Jiang Li said. open the information immediately.


Hidden Dragon replied.

In the mech factory.

on the fifth floor.

Currently, it was empty.