Chapter 562 pulse

Spatial fluctuations began to spread.


The entire 'super transport troop No. 1' disappeared into thin air, as if they had evaporated from the world. They disappeared from where they were and were teleported away.

The scene changed.

In the air above the imperial capital of the Grand Xia.

In the base of the 01 division.

High up in the sky.

'Super transport troop No. 1' appeared out of thin air.

He had already been teleported back.

"Alright," he said.

Jiang Li walked out of the room and saw 'super transport troop No. 1' hovering in the sky. He ordered 'super transport troop No. 1' to land.

Soon after.

let's go. Jiang Li sent out the meches to transport the supplies. First, they moved one trillion tons of steel materials into the Xia Treasury.

As for the 21.6 billion lower spiritual crystals ...

They were all transported to the base of the 01 Army.


Buzzzzzz! Buzzzzzz!