Chapter 647

Early in the morning.

In the sky above the Grand Xia imperial capital, the 01 interstellar base was like a vast star, quietly floating in the void, surrounded by white clouds.

The entire base was filled with an ethereal aura.

In addition.

In the clouds.

It was a group of air sentries patrolling.

There was a kind of ethereal and sci-fi feeling that combined together. It did not seem to be in conflict, but instead a perfect combination, making people feel awe at first glance.

He looked closer.

In the base.

The 'great Xia Army' formed by 560 billion soldiers were all stationed in '01 interstellar base'. Fortunately, with the size and area of' 01 interstellar base', it was comparable to a planet and could accommodate more than 500 billion soldiers.

The soldiers set up camp.

within the interstellar mech factory.

" let's go. " jiang li stored trillions of meches in it.

The room in the ruler's hub.