Chapter 662-ruthless

Buzzzzzz! buzzzzzz!

in the air.

The two balls of light, one black and one hundred red, seemed to come to life at this moment. They seemed to have gained intelligence and broke free from Lord Chi and Elder Brown's restraints.

of course.

This was also because Lord red and Elder Brown weren't on guard, allowing them to take advantage of the situation.

"Not good!"

Chi Zhu and Elder Brown exclaimed.


The two balls of light quickly flew into the distance.

Buzzzzzz! Buzzzzzz!


Azure Dragon! Jiang Li also reacted and immediately used the 'Azure Emperor Art'. The Azure Dragon of Xia charged out and roared. Jiang Li stepped on the dragon's head and flew into the sky, quickly chasing after the black and white light that looked like real Dragons.

"Nine seals of the cyan Emperor-seal!"


jiang li formed a seal with both hands, then waved his right hand. a light curtain spread out and quickly covered the black and white light.