The interrogation

As soon as Jiang Li arrived on earth, he heard the explosion of manuals before he could figure out where he was.

At this moment.

The scorching sun shone in the sky, and the temperature was extremely high.

It was noon.

Jiang Li looked around.

Da da da da

in front of him.

There were two 'troops' exchanging fire. One could see that the two positions were locked in a battle, and the slightly behind mortars and other artillery weapons were firing at each other.

the muzzles of the guns spat out tongues of fire, forming a rain of bullets.

"They're all black people."

" hmm? " jiang li frowned. he saw the origin and race of the two sides. if he was right, it should be two black troops fighting.

In other words ...

This was Yindu.

As for the reason why the two black troops were fighting ...

Jiang Li didn't know.