Chapter 804

because the cong mo ran away, the demons were quickly defeated. jiang li's mechanical fleet no. 04 quickly occupied the orion nebula.

At this moment.

On the other side.

The God race ruled the great fortune Star cluster.

The God race's 'follower God' had descended.

He was very powerful.

When Hidden Dragon and Hidden Dragon No. 040 received the news, they immediately activated the 'spear of everlasting life' and launched an attack on the God followers of the Protoss.

An intense battle broke out.

The power of rules tore and twisted time and space.

The universe space was shattering.


Just like the followers of the demons, the followers of the God clan also fled back to the God Realm after a few rounds of attacks from the eternal life spear.

After that.

The longyun star cluster was occupied by Jiang Li's mechanical fleet.

Time passed.

half a month passed.