Chapter 3: Beauty With A Mole At The Side Of Her Almond-shaped Eyes

The large, domineering convoy drove hundreds of meters on the street, past dense trees. Finally, it pulled over in front of a lakeside mansion. There was already a group of doctors and nurses waiting behind the circular Roman fountain in front of the mansion.

Gong Siyu was quickly carried into the mansion by a group of bodyguards, doctors, and nurses.

When Bai Feiran was about to enter after him, the old butler called out to stop him.

"Mr. Bai, what do we do about this?" 

Bai Feiran stopped and turned around, only to see a person sleeping in the old butler's arms.

It was the woman who had called the rescue team and whom they had brought back with Gong Siyu.

Her dirty and unkempt body was covered in a white bandage. 

After frowning for a while, Bai Feiran gave some instructions coldly.

"Bring her inside and clean her. Make sure to take good care of her."

To Bai Feiran's surprise, a maid from the mansion suddenly ran over with a piece of white cloth. She had a somber expression and was holding the cloth in fear. 

"Mr. Bai! Why is this on the body of that lady?" 

Raising his eyebrows in confusion, Bai Feiran asked, "Isn't it just a piece of white cloth?" 

"Read the words on it! It says Western Suburb Funeral Parlor. This cloth is meant to be laid on top of corpses!" 

The maid was horrified! 

Bai Feiran was shocked! 


Ji Younai did not fall into deep sleep. Even when she was in slumber, she was still extremely tense, terrified, and anxious. 

She suddenly opened her eyes and sat up to look at her surroundings in confusion. 

The stylish and spacious bedroom had a black-and-white color scheme. The snowy white curtains were fluttering and the sky outside was slightly bright at dawn.

She vaguely remembered that someone had come to rescue Gong Siyu and she had been taken away with him… 

At that moment, a middle-aged woman appeared to be cowering and peeping into the room. Despite seeing that Ji Younai had woken up, the woman didn't dare to approach, somehow seeming to be afraid of her. 

Ji Younai could not understand why the middle-aged woman would feel that way.

"Um... Miss, you've woken up. There are clean clothes at the end of the bed. Ms. Wen has worn them before. Just make do with them for the time being."

The middle-aged fled in panic after saying her piece. 

Ji Younai did not exaggerate. The woman had really fled. 

'I'm not a ghost. Why is she so afraid of me?' My body is no longer filthy and the cuts on my soles have also been bandaged.' 

She got out of bed and put on the set of clothes that had been prepared for her beforehand.

The set consisted of a knitted, snowy white sweater with a gingham and pearl skirt. The clothes were beautiful and made of excellent material. 

She wondered where those people had bought such good clothes from. 

Ji Younai finally recalled what the middle-aged woman said. 

'Ms. Wen? Oh, she must be the mistress of this large mansion. She's probably Gong Siyu's wife or girlfriend. It doesn't seem right to be wearing someone else's clothing like this, though.' 

Thinking that she ought to thank her later, Ji Younai strode towards the door. 

"Mr. Bai, the bullet has been removed but he lost a lot of blood. He's too weak! If we had been even a little bit later, we wouldn't have been able to rescue him! It's up to Young Master when he will regain consciousness." 

Ji Younai was just walking towards the end of the corridor to where a group of people were crowding around when she heard those words. 

There were tall and mighty bodyguards and servants dressed in uniforms, as well as doctors and nurses who were in white coats.

Gazing at the dim light coming from the door at the end of the corridor, Ji Younai guessed that Gong Siyu was lying inside.

Bai Feiran soon noticed Ji Younai. He began to scrutinize her with a complicated gaze in his sharp, vulture-like eyes, and began to make guesses. 

The shroud meant for corpses that the servant had brought to him made him have some scruples about Ji Younai. 

'She's alive and well. Why was she covered in a shroud from the funeral parlor? That's meant for the dead.'

He had already sent someone to investigate it. 

"Um... thank you guys for bringing me back." 

"Mm," Bai Feiran simply acknowledged aloofly. 

"How long did I sleep for?" 

"A day." 

'Oh. So it's been a day,' she thought, cataloging it in her mind. 

"Can I go in and see him?" After all, she was the one who saved his life on her own. It was only fair.

"No," Bai Feiran ruthlessly refused.

Ji Younai was a little vulnerable and scared.

When she heard his refusal, she simply bit her lip and hung her head low, not making a single sound. 

'If I can't see him, so be it. Must he be that fierce...'

Seeing this, Bai Feiran did not waver and simply told Ji Younai to follow him. 

Ji Younai was dumbfounded when she saw Bai Feiran take out dozens of bundles of pink banknotes from a safe, which he then placed in front of her.

"Ms. Ji, there are 500,000 yuan right here."

"Huh? Is it for me?" 

"Yes. Thank you for saving Mr. Gong." He paused, then continued, "You may leave after taking the money." 

Ji Younai understood that he was chasing her away. 

The money was a token of gratitude, as well as a tool to make her keep her mouth shut. 

Since they wanted her to leave, it was not appropriate for her to stay! 


"That's too much money. I can't take all of this. I'll just take a few banknotes." 

She then began to pull out one banknote at a time and count them all as well. She deliberately grabbed the banknotes that were newer and took about seven or eight of them. She was counting when she saw a flustered old butler scrambling towards them. 

"Mr. Bai, Young Master has awakened!" 

Bai Feiran beamed with joy and strode forward with the intention to take a look at Gong Siyu. However, the old butler pointed at Ji Younai. 

"Young Master asked to see this lady the moment he opened his eyes!" 

Before Ji Younai could put down the few banknotes that she was holding in her hands, she was dragged away and pushed into Gong Siyu's master bedroom by Bai Feiran. 

Ji Younai was pursing her lips and looking at him with tears in her watery eyes. 

'Aren't I not allowed to see him? Why did he push me in?'

Ji Younai walked towards the bed and they immediately exchanged glances with each other., with Ji Younai finally getting a clear look at Gong Siyu's face. 

Although his face and lips were pale due to blood loss, and so were his lips, Ji Younai was still stunned by Gong Siyu's chiseled features. 

His eyebrows were thick and dark, and his sculpted, defined nose was like a piece of artwork made out of cut gold. His thin lips were slightly parted, and his pair of upturned, narrow, ink-dark eyes were like a vast universe. They were distant, deep, menacing, and hellishly alluring.

She appreciated Gong Siyu's stunning features for a few seconds, but then looked down and stowed away the few banknotes that she had before beginning to fiddle with her fingers. 

'What does his handsomeness have anything to do with me?'

She was a young girl who had thick, waist-length black hair that made her look elegant and fairy-like. However, due to the fact that she had suddenly looked down and lowered her head, her hair ended up blocking her face, and Gong Siyu could not see her clearly. 

"Look up at me." 

His clear voice was deep, yet sweet and gentle. 

Ji Younai stole a glance at Gong Siyu. She was a little reserved and did not want to do what he said. However, she raised her head in the end. She seemed rather reluctant, not willing to admit that it was because she was shy. 

Her fair, ivory skin made her entire body look like porcelain and as translucent as jade. The redness of her lips made them look like they had been smeared with blood. 

Gong Siyu had always felt that there was something strange about Ji Younai. Only after taking a longer glance at her did he realize that she was abnormally fair. She had almond-shaped eyes and a face that was shaped like an ostrich egg. 

She was a perfect beauty but after taking a closer look, he realized that there was a mole below the corner of her eye. 

The ends of her eyes were slightly upturned, and coupled with the tear mole at the corner, she looked naturally alluring and gave off a demonic charm. However, she did not look vulgar. Her face was clean and clear, like a secret pool where no one could reach, so much that it could cleanse one's soul.

There was also agony in the depths of such a beautiful pair of eyes. She looked rather miserable and desolate. 

"Why aren't you saying anything?"

His captivating voice struck the depths of her heart and tugged her heartstrings. 

'What should I say?' Ji Younai thought to herself in confusion. 

"Don't be so restrained. Treat this like your own home and just relax," Gong Siyu said softly in his deep and mesmerizing voice, cajoling her. 

She would not make herself at home! 

Ji Younai thought about it and moved her beautiful eyes. She lowered her head and whispered meekly, "Um... it's good that you're awake. You'll be blessed since you escaped a calamity!" 

Upon hearing her words, Gong Siyu got a great shock but immediately gave a dazzling smile. Seemingly having strained his wound, he coughed gently and said, "Thank you for your well wishes. I definitely will." 

"Well then, I'm leaving. Rest well and take care of your injuries, okay? By the way, please thank your wife on my behalf. Her clothes are really lovely."