Chapter 15: Slit Herself Again to End It All

"Thank you..."

Ji Younai's voice was soft, tender, and nasal. She sounded extremely aggrieved. 

"Did I look really funny… when I got tied up just now?"

Her eyes turned red immediately and teardrops fell from the corners of her eyes like broken beads of a pearl necklace. Even though she was crying, she was still joking with Gong Siyu. 

His eyebrows furrowed, and he took a deep breath. Gong Siyu had never felt such a strong heartache before. 

Even after icing her face with the ice pack for a long time, the swelling in Ji Younai's face did not subside. 

He fed her breakfast, but he ended up spilling the contents of the bowl all over her bedsheets. 

Gong Siyu was frustrated. He did not know how to take care of others or comfort them.

When he saw Ji Younai stepping into the bathroom on an unsteady gait, he hurriedly pulled over a servant who was busy doing chores at the side.

"What do you normally do when taking care of others?"

The servant had been working under Gong Siyu for many years, but when he suddenly asked that question, she couldn't give him an answer immediately.

When Gong Siyu saw Bai Feiran, he shot him a glance to ask for help.

"Bai Feiran, what would you do if you were asked to take care of someone?"

Bai Feiran entered with a stack of documents for the acquisition of the asylum. He was caught off guard by the question.

After frowning for a moment, he answered calmly, "I'd take care of all her needs like clothing, food, and accommodations, of course." 

"How do you make someone happy then?"


Ji Younai was standing in front of the mirror of the bathroom in a dumbfounded manner.

She gazed at the bruise on her forehead which was a result of her uncle forcefully pushing her head down to make her kowtow to her aunt.

She suppressed the feeling of humiliation in her chest which made her feel a dull ache. 

She no longer wanted to struggle or resist.

She was tired. 

She was exhausted. 

Her heart was filled with disappointment, and she felt as though it was completely engulfed by an abyss of darkness. 

The malice of her unfeeling relative made her feel hopeless and asphyxiated. 

Glancing at the unopened razor blade on the washstand in front of the mirror, she picked up and unwrapped it...

Without hesitation, she slit her wrist again on the same spot that was already scarred. This time, the cut was deeper...

Watching the bright red blood flow out continuously, drop by drop, onto the snow-white tiles, resembling blood-colored flowers… Ji Younai smiled miserably with some relief.

Gong Siyu had been waiting for Ji Younai to come out of the bathroom.

In the meantime, he noted down a list of methods to cheer someone up in his cellphone and saved them in his memo like they were treasures.

However, time passed, minute by minute, second after second. 

There was a constant sound of water running incessantly in the bathroom, but there was no sound from her. 

"Bai Feiran, how long has she been in the bathroom for?"

Bai Feiran looked at the time. 

"14 minutes." It wasn't that long. 

Gong Siyu thought, 'Ji Younai stayed in the bathroom for nearly an hour yesterday. Since it's only been 14 minutes, let's wait for a little more.'

However, a servant who was cleaning the ward suddenly screamed at the top of her lungs. 

"Young Master, there's a flood in the bathroom! Strange… why is the water red?"

His charming eyes narrowed! 

A terrible premonition filled Gong Siyu's heart.

In the next second, Gong Siyu kicked open the locked door of the bathroom with a loud bang. 

He was greeted with the color of blood and a flabbergasting sight! 

The thin, emaciated, and feeble figure fell lifelessly to the ground. Water was mixed with blood that was flowing from her bleeding wrist.

"What are you waiting for? Call a doctor! Get a doctor to come here!"

Gong Siyu hollered! 

His seductive, narrow eyes were filled with anxiety, as well as intense worry and fear. 

He picked Ji Younai up from the ground, and he could even feel his heart trembling! 

The scene of the pale and weak young girl begging him with tears in her eyes, which blurred her vision on the night that he had been severely wounded, suddenly appeared in his mind. 

"You can't die, okay? You must hang in there until someone comes to rescue you!"

"Okay... I promise I won't die..."

Yes, he promised her that he wouldn't die, and he had fulfilled it! 

But what about Ji Younai?

She was lying lifelessly in his arms. 

Once again, she had chosen to die and give up on herself. 

Gong Siyu panicked when he heard the doctors' arrival. There were many of them. 

They carried Ji Younai away and wheeled her into the emergency rescue room. 

Gong Siyu sat on the bench in front of the emergency rescue room, burying his handsome face in his hands. 

It was the first time Bai Feiran had ever seen his Young Master, who had always been lofty and irrepressible, having such an expression.

He was petrified, anxious, and nervous.

He held an emerald jade Buddha pendant between his palms, which was left to him by his deceased mother.

Bai Feiran remembered that his Young Master would only remove the pendant from his neck and hold it in his hands when he was facing an issue where he had to make a major decision. 

Yet, someone coincidentally came to "court death" at this moment. 

Bai Feiran recognized them and reckoned that they should have been Ji Younai's aunt and uncle, whom he had met in the medical administrative office just now. They hadn't left. 

"Why did she suddenly commit suicide again? Is she in the emergency rescue room? This is the emergency rescue room of the VIP ward. Surely, they're not going to make us pay again, are they?" 

Ji Cuihua asked her husband, worried that they would have to spend money again. 

"I hope she doesn't make it. If that's the case, I guess we don't have to pay, and I might be able to kick up a fuss at the medical administrative office. After all, she got into such an incident in their asylum, and we have to hold them liable. I reckon we might even get compensation."

Bai Feiran frowned in disgust and infuriation when he heard those words. 

Likewise, Gong Siyu also heard those words. 

Raising his head leisurely, he stared coldly at the middle-aged woman who spoke.

Gong Siyu finally knew why Ji Younai had chosen to take her own life. 

Everything that she had said was simply inhumane. 

At this moment, the door of the emergency rescue room was opened. The first doctor to appear was the professorial doctor who was in charge of the VIP ward, Dr. Mo. 

She's fine, the bleeding has stopped. She was discovered early, but her blood has to be replenished." Dr. Mo said to Gong Siyu. 

However, before Gong Siyu could even say anything, Ji Younai's aunt, Ji Cuihua, walked up to Dr. Mo.

"Doctor, send her to the general ward, we can't afford to let her stay here. We won't pay for the resuscitation treatment that she was put through just now or anything else. I didn't agree to let her stay in the VIP ward, do you hear me?"

Dr. Mo was surprised to hear what Ji Cuihua said, but he remained silent and simply looked at Gong Siyu with a look of puzzlement.

"Young Master Gong, this..." 

Gong Siyu, who was 1.87 meters tall, lowered his head like he was looking at a minion, and glared coldly at the woman in front of him. 

If he guessed correctly, that woman was Ji Younai's aunt. 

"Send her back to my ward." His thin lips parted and closed. He looked austere and frivolous as his lips curled up into a scornful and disdainful sneer. "Use the best medicine and get the best doctors to treat her."

Ji Cuihua almost raised her head to look at the man who spoke in front of her.

He had handsome and boundless features, and yet, his gaze was extremely cold and frightening.

She was almost intimidated. 

"Who… who are you? I'm her family member. Who are you to make decisions?"

She paused before continuing, "Doctor, don't listen to him!"

Gong Siyu retorted with an unwelcoming and hostile expression, "You don't have the right to know who I am." After a pause, he continued, "All you need to know is that I've acquired this asylum, and you must pay every penny of the medical bills and treatment fees, not a single cent less. Otherwise, you will receive a court summons. A lighter consequence would be a huge sum of compensation, as for a severe one... your family's fortune will be emptied."

After Gong Siyu finished speaking, he gave Ji Cuihua a mysterious and sinister smile and left without even turning around.