Chapter 33: I'll Accompany You, You Won't Be Scared Anymore, Right?

Liuyun left. 

Gong Siyu was extremely thrilled about this eyesore being gone.

Especially before the Yue Family left, he made a special effort to meet with Yue Chengxun, the third son of the Yue Family, and informed him that the business deal about the manufacture of defensive weapons being fully handed over to the Gong Family. However, he did not specify who the person in charge of the deal was. Gong Siyu was known to leave no stones unturned whenever he handled matters. Hence, he was a much more suitable choice for a businessman than his brother, Gong Siyi.

Yue Chengxun actually thought the same. He delayed in agreeing to Gong Siyu's request because he wanted to find an opportunity to work with Gong Siyu.

"Liuyun is our youngest brother whom we dote on the most. Since you've helped us find him, we definitely have to thank you. Young Master Gong, I believe in your competency. When I return to the national defense department tomorrow, I'll have my men settle this." 

Gong Siyu was satisfied but what pleased him more was the fact that Ji Younai did not leave with Liuyun. 

He was in a good mood and felt that Ji Younai was his lucky star and his precious treasure.

He wanted to hold her in his arms and spoil her to bits.

However, he saw the upset Ji Younai seated sullenly on the marble steps of the hall of the mansion. 

She was resting her face in her hands and looking rather depressed. She no longer smiled. 

"Little one?"

Hearing his words, Ji Younai pulled a long face and looked up at Gong Siyu listlessly.


"Are you upset?"

"No, I just remembered the scene of my family living happily together when my parents were still alive and felt a bit nostalgic when I saw the happy faces of Liuyun and his family during their reunion." After a pause, she continued, "Liuyun also has a family of his own now, but what about me... What do I have?"

'You have me.'

'Me alone is better than an entire group of people.'

'I'm rich, handsome, and powerful, and I can give you everything you need.'

Gong Siyu thought to himself proudly with raised brows. 

However, he wanted to coax Ji Younai and make her happy. 

After thinking for a while...

In order to make the beautiful girl smile, he took Ji Younai's clammy, fair, and soft hand, then, he led her to the study.

He gently embraced her with both arms and lifted her up. 

He let Ji Younai sit on his large, multi-million dollar, custom-made, ancient mahogany desk. He then took out a stack of documents from a drawer that required a password to unlock and handed them over to Ji Younai mysteriously.

"What is it?"

Ji Younai was curious to see that Gong Siyu's lips were curled into a mysterious smile.

With raised brows and curved, charming eyes, the handsome Gong Siyu said, "Open it and take a look." After a pause, he said, "It's a surprise." 

Except for Bai Feiran and the butler who was in charge of cleaning, Gong Siyu would never let anyone into his study, let alone, let them sit on his centuries-old desk that was once owned by the royals of Europe.

There was a pile of paper stuffed in the folder, part of which was an assets inventory list, and the other, a legal document. When Ji Younai saw the words on the piece of white paper—"All assets belonging to Ji Cuihua and her family are frozen and pending legal judgment. Assets are to be returned."

Her eyes froze in place for a while, and she looked at Gong Siyu in disbelief.


Giving Ji Younai's defined, pronounced, and delicate nose a light scratch, Gong Siyu whispered,

"These are the legal documents for the case regarding your parents' inheritance. Ji Cuihua illegally embezzled something that didn't belong to her while failing to cooperate with the court investigation. All the assets of her family have been frozen, and the verdict will be out tomorrow. We can go to the hearing together. Your home and everything your parents left you will be returned to you. Are you happy?"

Seemingly unable to believe that the surprise was real, the jaw of the dumbfounded Ji Younai dropped. Her cherry-sized mouth had widened to a size so big that almost an egg could be stuffed in it. Ji Younai was speechless, but she was overwhelmed with joy. 

"Oh, right, there's one more thing that can cheer you up for a while. Due to the fact that your aunt's family's assets have been frozen, their family is now penniless, and they're probably homeless and hiding somewhere to beg for money now."

Of course, all of that was the result of Gong Siyu's unscrupulous and merciless approach.

He did not say it out loud because he was afraid of affecting his image.

Ji Younai was inevitably elated to hear that her aunt's family would be sanctioned.

However, Ji Younai frowned and fell deep into thought, seemingly conflicted. 

"Gong Siyu... You've done so much for me, but what can I do for you? I can't accept such a huge favor from you, and I keep feeling that I owe you a lot and I can't pay you back." 

After thinking about it, she suggested, "How about this? When Aunt returns all the assets that my parents bequeathed to me, I'll give them all to you. My family owns a property which isn't too big. It's only over a hundred square feet, but it's in a good location. The property prices in Beijing are so high now. It's also worth a lot of money!"


"Will that do?"

"I'm not short of money."

Stuck in a dilemma, Ji Younai asked vexedly, "What should I do then?"

Seeing how troubled Ji Younai was, Gong Siyu could not help but burst into laughter while feeling helpless.

He didn't want to see Ji Younai being in a difficult situation. Fighting over assets was difficult for her, but in his opinion, it was just something that could be done by just giving a few simple instructions to his subordinates. 

He thought about it for a while. 

He also seemed to have felt that it would be a good thing to have Ji Younai owe him a favor.

A gloomy luster appeared in the depths of his narrow eyes.

"How about this? Since I've done you such a huge favor, how about you promise me a condition as a form of repayment for the favor?"

Her sparkling almond-shaped eyes and long, thick eyelashes gave her a touch of charm and liveliness. 

"Huh? Condition? Sure! What is it? Tell me!"

"I haven't thought of it yet at the moment. I'll tell you once I have."

Gong Siyu's tone was slightly heavy, and there was a touch of mystery to his words. 

With a mysterious and gloomy luster in his deep narrow eyes, he looked inscrutable.

It was as if he had dug a big hole for Ji Younai and was preparing to let her jump in, bit by bit at a time.

Gong Siyu said again, "The condition will be that you agree to everything that I ask of you, understand? That's what I want in return."

The simple-minded Ji Younai did not think much of it at all at that time. She simply nodded profusely, thinking that Gong Siyu was a good person.

Until one day, the scheming, noble young master of a mega-rich family raised that condition.

She felt that thunder was rumbling, and her heart was in chaos.


It was the second night since she returned from the asylum.

Ji Younai discovered that she did not have a room to sleep in.

On the first night, she had slept in Gong Siyu's room.

"Aren't you afraid of ghosts? My home is not as eerie as the Ninth Asylum. Ghosts don't even dare to enter. Go sleep in my bedroom, I'll stay with you. You're won't be afraid anymore, will you?"

Crouching in the corridor on the third floor of the luxurious mansion, Ji Younai refused to enter Gong Siyu's room.

It was because she had seen Granny Yang who was in the lobby downstairs, glaring at her with a terrifying gaze, as if Ji Younai was a thorn in her flesh. She felt as if she would be committing a cardinal sin once she agreed to sleep in the same bedroom as Gong Siyu.

Shaking her head, she answered, "I definitely won't be afraid if you accompany me to sleep, but this is not good for your reputation. I... will sleep by myself!"

After saying that, she slipped away and found a random guest room that was farthest from Gong Siyu's bedroom. She then decided to enter.

Young Master Gong's first shameless invitation to get her to sleep beside him had failed.

After ruthlessly glaring at a group of servants watching the fun downstairs, he turned around and returned to the master bedroom with a look of infuriation. 

'Ruin my reputation? What a lousy excuse.'

'If she doesn't want to sleep together, she can just say so.'

'Indeed, women are fickle.'

On that night, the lights in the guest room of the mansion were switched on.

She was all snuggled up under the blanket. 

Ji Younai, who only dared to reveal her nostrils to breathe, was listening carefully for noises outside the blanket.

There was a female ghost humming a sad song, her ghostly shadow swinging on the crystal chandelier in the center of the room. She was hanging upside down, her long hair draping downwards in an eerie and cold manner. She was constantly talking to Ji Younai who was hidden under the blanket.

"Have you seen my child?"

"The baby in my belly..."