Chapter 41: Thank You for Liking Me, It's Great

It seemed that she could not believe that Gong Siyu, who was a person of status and authority, would fall for an ordinary person like her.

She blushed as red as a tomato and stole a glance at Gong Siyu. As if she couldn't get enough, she secretly took another glance at him. 

She was somewhat elated. 

However, she was not certain about what he meant. Hence, she took a breath and mustered the courage to clarify it with him.

Speaking carefully in a gentle and tender voice, she asked, "Does that mean… that you fancy me?"

Gong Siyu was used to being diabolical and impetuous. Ever since he was a child, he had been spoiled rotten and supercilious. 

He felt that if he liked someone, he would express it openly, and there was no need to hide his feelings at all.

If he wanted something, he would definitely have to get it. 

What he liked, he must possess in the most tyrannical way! 

However, Gong Siyu was Heaven's favorite and the successor of the Gong Family's legacy. All along, everyone would look up to him and admire him. Due to his proud, arrogant, noble, and reserved nature, he had never quite openly confessed to being in love with anyone or fancying anyone. 

In the 27 years of his life, Ji Younai was the first girl whom he had ever confessed to.

He had never said those words to Wen Yu either.

"Does it?"

She asked meekly and feebly again.

Whenever Gong Siyu saw Ji Younai behaving in such a gentle, meek, helpless, and cautious manner, he would feel a little upset.


It was an extremely simple answer. 

However, his tone was solemn and full of certainty. 

His eyes were glistening, and his lips were curled into a stunning and vibrant smile. 

Ji Younai's watery almond-shaped eyes were glowing and shimmering. Seemingly touched, she looked at him and smiled faintly. 

Ji Younai smiled alluringly in a coquettish manner, covering her mouth and looking down. She murmured, "That's wonderful."

For the first time in her life, someone had confessed their love for her. 

It felt wonderful. 

Even if she had to leave the man in front of her someday, she would have no regrets. 

Ji Younai's nose crinkled, and she looked at the scenery outside the window and swallowed the bitterness. 

A faint tinge of melancholy flashed in her before gradually disappearing again. 

Suddenly, Ji Younai turned around and gently grasped the jade ring that Gong Siyu was wearing on his thumb with her pale fingers.

"Let me treat you to dinner tonight to thank you for doing so much for me! It's getting dark now, let's find a crowded place. I shall try and see if this Blood Spirit Jade can really prevent me from seeing ghosts."

'Let's just treat this as the last dinner before the farewell.'

Ji Younai thought to herself. 

However, she discovered that Gong Siyu was holding her hand and interlocking his fingers with hers. 

"It's all up to you," he said in a low voice. 

The infatuation and affection in Gong Siyu's eyes did not decrease. 

He originally wanted to ask Ji Younai if she also had feelings for him.

However, he didn't have to ask.

Anyway, her expression had given everything away. The way she behaved had already given him an answer. 

Ji Younai initially wanted to ask Gong Siyu what he liked to eat so that they could eat something he liked. 

However, Gong Siyu shook his head and looked at her indulgently. Seated in the car, he kept playing with Ji Younai's fair and slender clammy hands which were particularly pretty.

"You don't have to accommodate me. Bring me to eat whatever you like. Since it's your treat, you call the shots." 

He had eaten all sorts of delicacies before, but he never knew what Ji Younai liked to eat. 

It was in the middle of April, which was the season for eating lobsters. 

They did not go to a fancy, upscale restaurant, and there was no graceful environment. 

The sky was gradually turning dark in the evening. 

They were in a bustling and noisy street that was full of rows of food stalls in the northern part of Beijing. 

Ji Younai found the cleanest and most hygienic stall that sold lobsters and pulled Gong Siyu out of the car. He then selected an open-air square table and sweetly told the owner that she wanted two kilograms of lobster.

Seeing how beautiful she was and hearing her sweet voice, the female boss directly said that she would give her 500 grams for free!

She did not have to pay a single cent! 

After thanking her, Ji Younai took out a packet of scented tissue and bent forward to wipe the stool. Seeing that Gong Siyu was standing still at the side and looking back and forth, she hopped towards him and helped him wipe the stool clean.

"It's clean now, you may sit on it."

Not too far away behind her, there were more than ten bodyguards that followed Gong Siyu to protect him. 

There were also five extremely opulent shiny black luxury cars parked on the street beside the stall. 

They were creating quite a huge ruckus, and it was also dinnertime. Hence, it attracted the attention of many people. 

It was Gong Siyu's first time being in such a noisy and dirty place where he felt extremely uneasy. 

There were all sorts of street food stalls that sold a variety of snacks and delicacies. Gong Siyu could not quite stand the overwhelming smoke coming from the food, the mixed smells of fish and meat, as well as the stench of sweat from the people around them. 

However, he stared at Ji Younai, who was seated beside him and had her long hair tied up into a ponytail that made her look clean, tidy, a little mischievous yet still extremely pretty. Since she was dressed in thick clothing, her face was rosy and the mole near the corner of her eye made her look naturally enchanting whenever she smiled. 

Despite the mess around her, she was not in the least bit bothered, and instead, she waited for the lobsters to be served. 

She even patted the wooden table with her little hand and murmured, "Lady Boss, Lady Boss, I want thirteen spices! No chili please."

She paused and turned to look at Gong Siyu.

"You don't like spicy food, right? If you do, I'll ask her to add chili!" 


He gazed at Ji Younai longingly. 

Although he was initially gloomy and frustrated because of how terrible the environment was, he suddenly felt at peace. 

It was as if his restless heart could gain endless peace once he looked at the person in front of him.

Business was good at the stall, but the lobsters were served very quickly. 

Ji Younai was extremely quick when peeling the lobsters, but before she could even eat a few, her pale fingers had already turned red and swollen because she was being poked by the hard shell of the lobsters. She flicked her hand and sucked her fingers. 

Gong Siyu frowned and immediately told Ji Younai to stop touching the lobsters. 

Seemingly feeling sad that she had hurt herself, he mimicked her actions and peeled a lobster before placing the pink lobster flesh beside Ji Younai's lips. 

"Let me peel it for you. Come on, open your mouth."

She opened her rosy mouth in a robotic manner and ate the lobster flesh. 

It was delicious and fragrant. 

Seeing that Gong Siyu was busy peeling lobsters for her and not eating any himself, she picked the largest chunk of flesh and stretched her slender arm out. "There, eat some too." 

Slightly stunned, Gong Siyu stopped peeling the prawns. 

He frowned and hesitated for a while. 

"Don't you like to eat it?"

Not hesitating any longer, he curved his thin lips gently and ate the lobster flesh in Ji Younai's hand. 

He smirked and said, "Since you peeled it for me, of course, I want to eat them."

The two of them started feeding each other. 

Gradually, the two of them had sweet interactions, and they looked like a couple that was in their honeymoon period. 

After Bai Feiran suddenly appeared, the warm ambiance gradually disappeared. 

He stared at the pile of lobster shells on the table. 

Bai Feiran looked at Ji Younai with extreme sternness. "Ms. Ji, do you know that Young Master is allergic to lobsters?"

His words were like a bolt out of the blue that made Ji Younai stiffen and petrified. 

Looking at the terrifying gaze in Bai Feiran's eyes that was full of accusation, she got so frightened that she shivered. 

At the same time, a deep sense of guilt arose, and she felt extremely at fault. Her slightly upturned large almond-shaped eyes were filled with tears. She sniffled, lowered her head, and began fiddling with her fingers like a child who had done something wrong and was being reprimanded by her teacher.

"Sorry... I'm sorry, Mr. Bai, I didn't know."

Bai Feiran still wanted to go on and give her a harsh scolding, but Gong Siyu glowered at him fiercely. 

He pulled Ji Younai into his arms and began coaxing her. 

He chided Bai Feiran, "Why are you blaming her? She didn't ask, so I didn't mention it. A few bites won't kill me. You're making such a fuss."

However, as soon as he said those words, Ji Younai, who was in his arms, shuddered and choked.

"But Gong Siyu, your neck is covered in rashes... Are you alright?"