Chapter 59: How Can I Make My Precious Baby Stay Devoted And Cling Onto Me All The Time? I Never Want Her To Leave Me

Gong Siyu had gotten used to having everything go his way. After deciding to move into another property of his, he immediately brought Ji Younai to Huaining Building, which was situated in an ostentatious residential district of Beijing, after she was discharged from the hospital. 

It was one of the landmark buildings in the second ring road of Beijing, the entire building Gong Siyu's private property.

The building was divided into two towers, A and B respectively. Tower A served as a commercial area where large-scale international departmental stores were located and a business circle where elites gathered.

Tower B was an integrated development that combined a five-star sky-tower hotel and high-end luxury penthouse apartments.

Both towers had more than 80 floors each, towering over the established and prosperous buildings in the third ring. It was a building with a massive scale.

Everyone who lived in that district of the city were either elite senior executives or heirs of wealthy families. 

Everyone who lived in that district of the city were either elite senior executives or heirs of wealthy families.

Meanwhile, the 8600 square foot penthouse apartment on the highest floor of Tower B, which was well decorated with expensive furnishings, was the new home that he had picked out for him and Ji Younai. 

After handing over the PIN code and key card of the digital lock of the apartment to Ji Younai, Gong Siyu bent forward to look for slippers that Ji Younai could wear. However, the shoe cabinet only contained slippers for men. Hence, he had no choice but to call the servants, who were packing the things in the mansion, to bring a pair of women's slippers to him. 

"Bai Feiran, tell the servants to bring Ji Younai's belongings and daily necessities over together with mine. We're not going back to the mansion anymore. Yeah, bring all the items in Ji Younai's closet and the few Arowanas that she likes. I want them here by tonight.

"Just tell the old butler to come over. Everyone else will have to be replaced. The apartment is huge, so we don't need a lot of servants. We probably just need a cook, cleaners, servants, and a tutor."

Gong Si Yu paused and quickly looked back at Ji Younai. 

He asked her, "Ji Younai, the national college entrance exams will start in mid-June, which is more than a month away. Should I hire a good tutor for you so that you can catch up on everything you've missed?"

Stunned by the luxurious decor and ambiance of the apartment, Ji Younai quickly shook her head. 

"No need, I can revise on my own."

Gong Siyu raised his eyebrows and continued talking to Bai Feiran.

"Ji Younai and I are starving and there's nothing to eat here. Get someone to come over here and cook something for us! You have half an hour."

"It's the evening rush hour and they'll take at least three hours to reach your place," Bai Feiran informed him. 

Displeased that things were not going according to his plan, Gong Siyu pulled a long face and began to throw a fit. 

"Can't you send the servants here in a helicopter?"

Ji Younai squatted down and changed into her slippers. Upon hearing that Gong Siyu had asked Bai Feiran to come over in a helicopter, she sighed and bit her fingers. Quickly standing up, she walked over to Gong Siyu before poking his shoulder. 

Still holding his cellphone and talking to Bai Feiran, Gong Siyu turned around and looked at Ji Younai with raised brows. 

"What's the matter?"

Resting her face in her hands, she gently said, "Don't trouble Mr. Bai. Let's go downstairs and get some groceries. Since you prefer homemade food, I'll cook for you. We'll make do for tonight." 

As soon as he heard that Ji Younai wanted to cook for him, Gong Siyu stopped wasting his breath talking to Bai Feiran, immediately hanging up. 

The penthouse apartment was located on the highest floor. It was spacious and had luxurious, minimalist decor that was themed around the color white. 

All the lights, curtains, stereo and TV in the house were part of a smart voice-activated system. 

The white marble staircase, which had glass panels as spindles, led to the second floor. The main hall faced south and there was a dazzling crystal chandelier hanging in the center of the ceiling. Through the high windows, one would be able to enjoy a bird's eye view of the skyline of the prosperous metropolis late at night.

Gong Siyu led Ji Younai down the stairs, hand in hand. 

They went to a supermarket that sold imported food and ingredients from various countries, located in the basement of the departmental store.

The supermarket was extremely crowded.

There were gorgeous women who were beautifully dressed and elite professionals dressed in a gentlemanly manner.

However, Ji Younai and Gong Siyu stood out from all of them, looking particularly outstanding and eye-catching. 

Ji Younai's outfit was extremely plain, consisting of a plain white T-shirt and a pair of jeans. Although she was barefaced, her features were perfect and the mole at the corner of her eye was extremely eye-catching. Her black hair cascaded down her waist like a waterfall, making her look pure and untainted.

No one could take their eyes off her. 

Gong Siyu picked her up and placed her inside the shopping cart. 

With her long and slender legs dangling from the cart, she raised her head and asked with some shyness, "Why did you put me in the cart? I can walk on my own."

The tall and handsome Gong Siyu, who stood at 1.89 meters, looked down at Ji Younai suavely with a pair of charming eyes. He smiled sinisterly and pointed at an ordinary-looking but chummy couple near them. He snorted with some disdain and contempt. 

"I saw him doing the same thing to his girlfriend and I decided to learn from him, but I did it better than he did. His girlfriend climbed into the cart herself while I carried you and put you in it."

Gong Siyu then pushed the cart along while looking at the shelves, which were stocked with a plethora of goods. 

"Ji Younai, tell me what we need to get. You'll give the instructions while I grab the items."

Ji Younai could almost sense the envious and jealous gazes of the many women around her.

However, deep down, she felt as sweet as honey. 

'Gong Siyu spoils me to bits.'

'Am I considered his girlfriend?'

'But... I don't think I agreed to be his girlfriend!'

Ji Younai and Gong Siyu returned with their hands full of shopping bags. 

Gong Siyu had never lifted anything heavy but he could not bear to let Ji Younai feel tired at all. Hence, he carried all five shopping bags up to the apartment. 

Although the apartment did not have any food or seasonings, it was fully equipped with kitchen utensils and tableware.

After chasing Gong Siyu out of the living room, Ji Younai got busy. 

Outside the kitchen, Gong Siyu stood alone in front of the large living room's floor-to-ceiling windows, appearing to be deep in thought.

With his arms folded, he looked at the skyline at night. 

They had bought the groceries together and Ji Younai was in charge of cooking. 

It was the first time Gong Siyu experienced a life that only ordinary people followed.

However, he fell deeply in love with that feeling.

The uneasiness in his heart emerged again. 

It was as if he had never had Ji Younai. 

With a deep frown, Gong Siyu took out his cellphone, sat down on the spacious, cream-white leather couch, crossed his legs gracefully, and opened the WeChat app. He then tapped into a WeChat group chat named 'Four Tyrannical Globe-trotting Demon Kings'.

There were four members in the group. 

[Gong Siyu]: I'm in love. 

About five minutes passed. 

Three messages appeared in the group chat. 

[Feng Jinxuan]: ...

[Li Sihan]: ?

[Tang Chuning]: !!!

Seeing that all three of his best buddies were online, Gong Siyu stopped frowning and glanced at the slender figure who was getting busy in the kitchen. He smiled and began to type. 

[Gong Siyu]: Help me come up with strategies. 

[Gong Siyu]: How can I make my beloved baby devote herself to me and cling to me forever? I never want her to leave me. 

After sending the message, Gong Siyu turned on his phone's camera and aimed it at the beautiful figure who was currently busy in the kitchen. He took a photo of Ji Younai's side profile and sent it to the group chat, starting to show her off.

[Gong Siyu]: How is she? My baby is beautiful, right? 

Li Sihana and Tang Chuning were the two other top heirs of Beijing. 

[Tang Chuning]: !!! 

[Tang Chuning]: Gong Siyu, if you have a woman, I'll eat my shoe! 

[Feng Jinxuan]: I've met her in person. She's superb. 

[Li Sihan]: Tang Chuning, prepare to eat your shoe. 

Gong Siyu watched the messages sent by his friends, who were rattling on and on but missing his question. Patiently, he chuckled and sent another message. 

[Gong Siyu]: So, how can I make my baby stay by my side obediently and devotedly, and never wanting to leave me?