The Ex-Girlfriend of a Wealthy Young Man (31)

"I just love how honest and sincere our Guoguo is."

"Guoguo's right. If you really don't like someone, why do you have to go against your conscience and say otherwise?"

"I feel it's completely unnecessary if it's just for the sake of keeping up appearances. After all, just like Guoguo said, every single one of us isn't perfect. It's normal for us to have flaws, isn't it?"

"No matter what, I like Guoguo just as she is. I'm totally mesmerized by her. She sings so beautifully, and every time she sings, her voice brings me to that mysterious world. And I also like her personality."


Words of praise for Tang Guo filled the internet, even though she hadn't had any exposure other than the talent show, "Beautiful Voices."

But because of how good she was at singing, plus the influence of those five songs she'd released on the app, all she'd needed was the stage of "Beautiful Voices" to become much more popular than anyone else.

Even Lu Qi, whose popularity had soared because she had participated in the reality show, was no match for Tang Guo now.

On the reality show, Lu Qi's selling point was her personality.

Tang Guo didn't participate in any reality shows. Every time she appeared in front of an audience, she gave the impression that she was a singer first and foremost.

Her voice was the first thing that left a deep impression on her audience. Her personality was the second.

Once people got to know her personality, they would naturally like her songs even more.

"Sister, you're a big hit."

You Yu was very excited and gave Tang Guo a call. "Sister," she said, "guess what? My phone has been ringing off the hook since yesterday."

You Yu flipped through the various appointments in the appointment book in her hand, looking incredibly excited. Even though Tang Guo had already moved out of Leng Rui's villa, You Yu just knew that so long as Tang Guo didn't make any trouble for herself, she was definitely going to be all the rage.

After You Yu calmed down, she immediately asked Tang Guo about her upcoming plans.

At present, Tang Guo had limitless resources at hand. She was so popular that everyone could see her value. There was no need for her to go through any other means to get things like money or people to help her.

The plan You Yu had in mind was to take this opportunity to have Tang Guo go on some programs that could leave the audience with a deep impression of her, thereby maintaining her current level of popularity.

The first idea she put forward was for Tang Guo to go on a few reality show programs. You Yu told Tang Guo what she had in mind. She had originally thought that Tang Guo wouldn't have any opinions on this; however, it was almost like Tang Guo didn't even bother to stop and consider the idea.

"I won't go on any reality shows."


You Yu couldn't understand. This was a good opportunity for Tang Guo. Compared to last week, her worth had increased severalfold.

There was simply no way she was wrong on this. So long as Tang Guo went on a reality show, she would become even more popular.

"No fun at all."

This statement came from the other side of the mobile line so frivolously that You Yu thought she had heard wrong.

No, no fun at all???

A simple "no fun at all" and she was dismissed?

Just as You Yu was about to flare into anger, Tang Guo's voice came from the other side of the line again. She said, "I already have a plan."

You Yu calmed herself down and asked, "What plan?"

It was Tang Guo's idea that had gained her so much popularity in the last week, so You Yu felt that Tang Guo wasn't only strong and competent, but was also strategic.

"Record some songs."

"Produce an album."

"I'll be very busy, and reality shows are a waste of time."

"After all, I'm someone who'll be extremely popular all over the world."

"There's no point in wasting my time on that kind of program."

"It'd be totally meaningless."

"…" You Yu was speechless.

You Yu's eyelids were fluttering fiercely as she took a deep breath and said, "My ancestor, if you want to release a record, then you'll need help, won't you? Do you think it's that simple? Money, people, resources… you'll need them all."

"Do you have the people to help you? Do you have the money?"

"Yes, I do."