The Ex-Girlfriend of a Wealthy Young Man (36)

Leng Rui pinched Tang Guo's chin and menacingly narrowed his eyes. "Tang Guo, you're not grass but medicine. You're poisonous medicine."

"Then aren't you afraid I'll poison you?"

The woman placed her slender fingers on Leng Rui's chest, gently pointing at his heart. A hint of a smile reached the corners of her eyes. "But I don't want to go back to the villa with you, yeah?" she said. "The way you behaved toward me made me feel so uncomfortable, so angry. I've always been the one throwing away things I don't want—not the other way around."

"Want to be thrown into the sea to be fed to the sharks?"

Leng Rui's voice was low and threatening, but Tang Guo wasn't the least concerned.

Tang Guo stood up and hooked arms with Leng Rui. Looking very comfortable, she said, "Let's go, Mr. Sugar Daddy. Didn't you say you're going to support me?"

"As for the mistake you made, I'll do the same to you when I have time to spare, so you can also experience what it's like to be abandoned."

Tang Guo narrowed her eyes and said, "Make sure you don't abandon me again. I'm someone who bears grudges."

"Didn't you go through all this trouble tonight just so I'd take you back?" Leng Rui's words struck home. He clearly knew that all of this was probably just one of her schemes, but he still fell for it.

This was why he had said that this woman was poisonous medicine.

"Yes, I did it on purpose. Because I don't fancy the thought of being thrown away like trash. I don't like being thrown away like I'm a useless piece of garbage.

"It's really a terrible feeling.

"Mr. Sugar Daddy, you made an unforgivable mistake. From now on, you ought to think about how you can make up for this wrong."

The System: [This woman has gone insane. Completely insane.]

"If your new behavior satisfies me, then I'll consider going easier on you when I take revenge on you."

Leng Rui merely took Tang Guo's words as a joke.

But regardless, this woman was even more incredible than he'd thought she was.

"Leng Rui, why did you come back?" Tang Guo suddenly spoke in a sweet voice. She walked out of the room, and that devilish aura she'd had just a moment ago disappeared all at once, without a trace. She asked, "Were you afraid that something bad would happen to me?

"Leng Rui, have you found a spot for me in your heart?"

The woman used a hooked finger to tickle Leng Rui's palm, and the itchy sensation seemed to spread to his heart, as if she were tickling him there and not his hand.

Leng Rui cast a look at the woman next to him. She looked so harmless and had the smile of an angel. Then, he said to his men, "Deal with this. And do it cleanly."


Inside the villa, Tang Guo sat cross-legged on the sofa, watching a variety show while eating dessert.

What was unusual about this scene was that Leng Rui was sitting on the other side of the sofa.

Since the day he had brought Tang Guo back to the villa, Leng Rui's eyes would stray to her whenever he had a moment to spare.

He wanted to see through her, and even more, he wanted to use a sharp knife to crack open her head and see what was inside.

The only thing was, for the time being, he wouldn't do this.

"Leng Rui, I want to go on this program."

Tang Guo tapped her cheeks with her fingers like a drummer striking his drums. Her eyes were glued to a certain figure on the television screen. Then, she narrowed her eyes and said, "I want to be a surprise guest.

"The kind that gives comments and scores."

Leng Rui's eyes shifted from Tang Guo to the television screen. And suddenly, the name "Lu Qi" came into view.

Who was Lu Qi?

And why was the woman next to him interested in this person?

Suddenly, he heard Leng Ziyue's aggrieved voice in his mind: "Father, you forgot again. Lu Qi is your son's girlfriend."

The System rang the alarm all of a sudden. [Host, we made a pact. You're not to harm the female lead. Keep your cool. Keep your cool. You need to think this over clearly before you do something rash.]

"Did I say anything about harming the female lead?"

The System sounded weak as it asked, [Then why do you want to go on this program? If you don't go on it, then with the help of this program, Lu Qi will definitely be able to turn the tables and become popular again.]

"You mean to say that if I go on it, she won't be able to gain back her popularity?"

The System didn't dare to reply. But wasn't it so?