The Ex-Girlfriend of a Wealthy Young Man (41)

[Now things are looking bad. Host, keep your cool, will you? Chen Yuesheng should be helping the female lead, not you.] The System said, helplessly and pitifully, [Originally, he was supposed to secretly take a liking to the female lead. He's a supporting actor, a supporting actor! Host, you're really too terrible. You gave your word that you wouldn't harm the female lead, but you didn't keep it.]

[Host, calm down and think about all the other meaningful things you could do in this world. Stop thinking about how you can screw up the life of the female lead and cause this world to fall apart, okay?]

[I think if this continues, the female lead is going to lose her shine.] the System said worriedly.

Tang Guo yawned and said, "How does her losing her shine have anything to do with me?"

[How does it not have anything to do with you? If it weren't for you, would she have lost her shine?]

[Host, just tell me the truth about what you exactly plan to do, okay? We can talk it over. We shouldn't necessarily torture the male and female leads, and we shouldn't tear this world apart either. Don't you think so too?]

Tang Guo paused for a moment. Then, she said, "You really want to know?"

[Yes, Host. Just tell me. Tell me about everything. We'll solve the problem together. There's no obstacle we can't overcome. After all, we've already co-existed in so many other worlds before.]

"Fine. Then tell me, why do I have to stay here to fill all kinds of supporting female roles? Every world I go to, my life is always so miserable," Tang Guo said. Then, she squinted and said, "Who was I, once upon a time? What is your goal?"

The System instantly shuddered. If it were a human instead of a system, it would have been trembling by now.

[Host, let's change the subject] the System said in a weak voice.

Tang Guo suddenly smiled and said, "Okay, let's change the subject, then."

The System let out a sigh of relief.

"What must I do to put an end to the cycle in each and every world?"

The System, which had originally felt reassured, felt its heart leap.

[Host, may I suggest you change the subject once more and ask… a question that's less difficult.]

A malicious smile fleetingly appeared on Tang Guo's lips. "Fine," she said. "This question is really easy."

"How can I cause a world to collapse more quickly?"

The System shuddered all over. [Host, today isn't a good day for asking questions, nor is it a good day for answering questions. I suggest you hold on to your questions first.]

The system didn't dare to say anything more, and it secretly focused its attention on a certain woman who was eating potato chips.

It was torn by the difficult situation it was caught in. If things continued as they were, it might not be able to hold on any longer. A day would come when the Host finally caused the world to collapse and fall apart. Torturing the male and female leads would become pointless, and the Host would most likely attack him, the System.

"I was just asking. There's no need for you to feel so nervous. If I don't express the dissatisfaction in my heart, I feel extremely uncomfortable."

Hearing Tang Guo's voice, the System didn't dare to speak. As a system, it was still better to be intangible.

Other systems functioned in such a way that they could mete out punishment if their Host was disobedient.

Why was he so unlucky? When his Host was disobedient, he could only say a few threatening words. There was no other way to deal with her. And he could only suffer through it as she intimidated and threatened him, which made him feel so suffocated and aggrieved.

Tang Guo's next order of business was to fully devote herself to the recording of her record.

Lu Qi, on the other hand, was participating in various programs in an attempt to get as much public exposure as possible.

So long as Tang Guo didn't appear together with her, she was actually quite popular.

It wasn't until two months later that Tang Guo announced that she was going to release a record. At the same time, Chen Yueshen took care of the promotional side of things.

Although Tang Guo had faded from the public eye, everyone still remembered her voice.

Just as everyone was filled with anticipation for the release of Tang Guo's new record, a post on Weibo stirred up a huge commotion.