The Ex-Girlfriend of a Wealthy Young Man (44)

"Shengsheng, you have my blessing."

"Shengsheng, I give you both my blessing, and wish you a long, happy life together."

"Shengsheng, I'm sorry. We were too impulsive."

"Though Shengsheng has been snatched away from us, you've been single for so many years. It's not easy to find someone you really like, so I will still give you my blessing."

"The person you chose must be someone you really like. Because you like her, I like her too."


Chen Yuesheng browsed through the comments on his Weibo account and breathed a small sigh of relief.

As he read through these messages of support, he couldn't help but recall the experience of working with Tang Guo over the past few months. He smiled from the bottom of his heart. He hadn't lied. Tang Guo was indeed a very innocent woman.

Seeing these words of blessing from his fans, he actually felt a small tug in his heart.

"Shengsheng, you guys have been dating for a few months. Can you post a few intimate photos of you two together?"

This Weibo post was instantly liked by numerous people. Chen Yuesheng narrowed his eyes as he thought, "Seems like a single post on Weibo isn't enough to completely dispel everyone's doubts."

"I can't share intimate photos so openly. It's private."

Disappointed "voices" sounded from below. Chen Yuesheng then posted, "But next time we go on a date, we'll share some photos."

Chen Yuesheng propped up his forehead with one hand and said to Tang Guo, "If we're going to put on a show, then we should act out the entire show."


Tang Guo was talking to Chen Yuesheng over the phone. "When?" she asked.

"Make it tonight then. Do you have any favorite place you'd like to go to?"

"I'll leave it up to Brother Chen to decide."

Tang Guo hung up the phone and went to change her clothes.

[Ho… Host, you agreed? Host, I'm pretty sure you can say no… You're a supporting actress, and he's a supporting actor…]

"Supporting actress and supporting actor, a match made in heaven. There's no problem at all."

[Host, think about Leng Rui. Haven't you always been interested in him? I think he's a pretty good match for you.]

The System was feeling pretty bitter. Chen Yuesheng was a very important supporting actor. It could be said that in the future, Lu Qi would become famous all over the world, and Chen Yuesheng played a key role in contributing to her success.

He hadn't figured out why Chen Yuesheng had embarked on this hopeless venture with the Host.

The problem definitely didn't lie with Cheng Yuesheng. Rather, the problem had to lie with the Host.

In the evening, Leng Rui returned to his villa at the usual time.

He was expecting to hear that woman's voice the moment he entered, or see her curled up on the sofa, squinting at the television and eating snacks.

However, there was no one on the sofa.

He was a little surprised and thought that Tang Guo had gone back to his room. But when he pushed open the door to his bedroom and found that she wasn't there either, he frowned.

"Where is she?"

"Sir, Miss Tang has a date tonight."

"Date?" Leng Rui's frown deepened. That woman never accepted invitations to dates from other people. So, he asked, "What date?"

"Miss Tang didn't say."

Leng Rui was a little annoyed and dialed Tang Guo's number.

"Where did you go?"

"Out on a date."

With a smile on her face, Tang Guo threw a quick look at Chen Yuesheng, who was sitting across from her, and he reciprocated her smile.

To be honest, he had never been on a date with a girl before.

Actually, it was quite nice.

There was a moment where he even felt that even if things got real with Tang Guo, so what? He didn't hate the feeling.

"Come back early."

"I'll try my best."

Tang Guo hung up the phone. Leng Rui forcefully tightened his grip on his phone as he recalled how half-hearted this woman seemed tonight with her perfunctory responses.

"Who was that on the line?" Chen Yuesheng asked out of curiosity.

Tang Guo replied truthfully, "It's Leng Rui. He's asking me to go back to his villa early."

"You guys…" Chen Yuesheng hadn't expected that it was Leng Rui on the other end. For some reason, he actually felt a little at a loss.

Tang Guo was all smiles as she said, "He's my sugar daddy."

Chen Yuesheng felt himself struggling to maintain his grip on his knife and fork as he questioned, "Sugar daddy?"

"Yes, Brother Chen. Are you disappointed?" Tang Guo narrowed her eyes and said, "I'm not the so-called pure and innocent angel that you all make me out to be."