The School Prince Has Been Stirred (1)

The advice and persuasion of the two people had most likely proved to be effective.

The white sports shoe was successfully lifted from the person's head.

Su Yan leaned against the wall and used a handkerchief to dab away the sweat on her face.

She bit her lips, at a loss for what to do.

Little Flower System voiced out,

"Host, is this too bloody for you? Why don't you eat some candy, close your eyes, and have a rest?"

Su Yan spoke to her system in a small voice;

"I'm going to be late."

Her voice was soft, and, just as she was speaking:

The boy who had been beaten into a helpless state suddenly exploded.

He dug out a switchblade from his pocket and stabbed it toward the person called Jiang Ran.

His self-esteem must have taken a major hit, for he was putting his life on the line in order to restore some pride.

"Go die!"

With a smack, the switchblade was batted away.

With a crash, the boy was kicked onto the wall again.

This kick harnessed immense power, rendering the boy unconscious with a single hit.

And, because the switchblade had been flung aside, it flew directly toward the place where Su Yan was standing.

When she saw the knife fly in her direction, she naturally wanted to dodge it.

But her current body was way too weak, to the point where the blade grazed her arm just as she shifted her feet.

A gaping cut surfaced on her fair skin.

Not long later, a trail of fresh blood trickled down her arm.

Exquisite skin, the bright red color of fresh blood – It was exceptionally eye-catching.

She lowered her head and peeked at her injured arm, only reacting after some time had passed.

Su Yan merely plucked out a white handkerchief from her pocket and slowly wiped the trail of blood flowing out of the wound.

A few strands of stray hair cascaded down her shoulders, concealing her face.

When she saw that the wound was no longer bleeding, she kept the blood-stained handkerchief and took out the last piece of strawberry milk taffy from her pocket.

Just as she was planning to unravel the packaging and eat it, a pair of white sports shoes entered her field of vision.

Starting from the shoes, her eyes moved upwards. Black shorts and a white blouse.

A black tie, dress shirt with two buttons undone.

The clothes on this lanky and well-proportioned figure were just right.

A sharp and sculpted face, somewhat lean.

The eyes beneath the brows seemed to possess an unruly and faintly discernible evil aura.

They had just caught sight of a girl that was standing there.

Obediently standing at the side, fairly discreetly.

He would never have imagined that his kick would have caused the switchblade to fly towards that girl, slicing open her arm.

That girl had fished out a handkerchief to wipe the wound of her own accord. Her quiet and mellow appearance caused his brows to twitch.

He did not know what was in his mind, but his feet headed over.

On careful inspection, her skin was very fair and her hair was silky. She was harmless and fragile.

His eyes paused on Su Yan's injured arm.

Su Yan's act of reaching out for her candy had most likely aggravated the injury.

The blood that had just been staunched started to flow once again.

A foreign emotion flashed past Jiang Ran's face.

"Tsk, so delicate"

Even though the evil aura in his eyes had dissipated slightly, he still appeared cold and was definitely not someone to be trifled with.

As he said this, he plucked off the black tie around his neck and easily grabbed Su Yan's injured arm.

He glanced at the stream of blood and stretched out his arm to wipe the blood off directly.

At the same time, he wrapped his tie around the wound a few times, fastening it in place.

He had exerted quite a bit of strength, and this seemed especially so to Su Yan, whose current body was even frailer than that of the average human.

Her sensitivity to pain was also greater than that of a normal person.

She bit the edge of her lips as her bright and watery eyes stared at this boy whose entire being was engulfed in an evil aura.