The School Prince Has Been Stirred (14)

Then, she inched herself closer to him. In a small voice, she said, "Jiang Ran, I brought your tie over."

Her voice was very, very soft.

However, she saw his brows furrow even more.

She deliberated for a while, before adding another line. "See you."

With that, she planned to take her leave first.

However, the moment she took a single step, the person sprawled on the table seemed to startle awake.

His drowsy eyes opened, and his hands reacted quickly, grabbing the person who was about to leave.

He tugged with a significant amount of force and didn't control the amount of strength he exerted.

Su Yan had not noticed this and was dragged backward. After stumbling two steps, she collided with his body.

He frowned. His eyes seemed to be slightly bloodshot, possibly because he had yet to recover from his sleepiness.

When he realized that it was Su Yan, he tried his utmost to speak as gently as he could.

"Why didn't you wake me up when you arrived?"

However, even as he said this, his hearing still felt a bit fuzzy.

She blinked her eyes and pointed at the gift bag sitting on the desk.

"Your tie. It's inside."

Jiang Ran glanced at it. His hands were still locked tightly onto her arms, and soon, his attention was focused back on her.

After recovering from waking up, his bloodshot eyes appeared to have subsided.

He carried himself with a wisp of indolence as his eyes looked up.

The evil aura shrouding his body dispersed when he smiled, causing onlookers to be dazzled.

He spoke up.

"You're only here to deliver the tie?"

Su Yan nodded her head, and then she immediately regretted it.

So she shook her head and explained in a slow and soft voice, "I…have something to ask you."

The moment he heard this, he raised a brow.

"Let's hear it."

She organized her thoughts for a bit.

"What…do you like?"

Her words caused his eyes to deepen instantly. His Adam's apple undulated, and he voiced faintly, "Mm?"

Su Yan raised her voice slightly and earnestly asked, "Is there anything you like?"

He grinned languidly with a wide smile. "There is."

"What is it?"

"Before I answer your question, tell me, why did you ask me this question?"

Su Yan pondered before replying, "I want to get to know you better."

When Jiang Ran heard her blunt words, he was stunned for a moment.

Shortly after, his smile widened even more. His eyes deepened, and his gaze toward her became urgent and hot.

Su Yan licked the corners of her lips. She had no idea why she didn't dare to meet his gaze.

"Can…you answer my question?"

He retracted his stare and closed his eyes carelessly.

"Too many things, I can't recall everything at once."

As he spoke, he paused and continued once more, "Why don't you tell me what you like."

When Su Yan heard his words, she pondered for a long time, until her head started aching again.

Then, she said, "I don't have anything I like."

"What do you hate?"

"I also don't have anything I hate."

When Jiang Ran heard this, he felt that her words sounded perfunctory.

However, when those words came from her lips, it gave him the impression that she was being serious.

Without asking any further, he stood up and carried her school bag for her.

"School's out. I'll walk you home."

It was an order, not a question. He didn't give her the chance to reject the notion.

However, Su Yan also didn't want to say no.

She wanted to take the opportunity to get to know Jiang Ran better.

She didn't know if it was because Jiang Ran possessed her High God Fragment, but she found it very easy to accept Jiang Ran, and even coming into contact with him and conversing with him didn't seem uncomfortable.

All these days, she had interacted and come into contact with many different kinds of people.

Su Yan knew that she liked Jiang Ran's company…

Because she didn't hate him.

Because they left the campus later than usual, the school entrance was virtually empty.

When they passed by a store that sold cake and ice cream, Jiang Ran lowered his head and asked, "Want to eat?"

She glanced over and saw two vending machines selling ice cream. Before she had time to respond, she heard his indolent voice.

"Boss, I want to buy ice cream."

"All right, what flavor do you want?"