The School Prince Has Been Stirred (39)

Cheng Xingyang was cornered by Jiang Ran's words.

But it was him.

The souls of the boys and girls at the table were all electrified by the gossip.

Everyone's eyes focused on Jiang Ran's figure uniformly.

There was a girl that Jiang Ran liked??!

Wouldn't this be the biggest gossip of the year?

Who was the girl he liked?

The eyes of the crowd glanced to Jiang Ran's left and right simultaneously.

On the left was the School Beauty who was acknowledged by everyone. She was pretty, tall, and slender. When put together, they made an ideal couple that everyone shipped.

Su Yan, who was seated on the right, was considered a docile neighborhood girl. Her appearance wasn't bad either, but she wasn't very conspicuous in school. After all, there were many beautiful girls in Imperial High School. But Jiang Ran's attitude towards her was both ambiguous and unique.

The indecision caused the eyes of everyone present to dart between the two of them.

They were 80% sure that it would be one of the girls, right?

Who on earth was it?

They guessed that it was more likely to be the School Beauty.

After all, rumors about them had been circulating for more than a day or two.

What's more, who could reject the School Beauty's advances?

Yao Yufei straightened her shirt. She became very nervous because of Jiang Ran's 'truth'.

At this time, Zhao Yue, who was sitting opposite, spoke out, "Jiang Ran has high standards in his taste. Even his girlfriend must be the best of the best. How can an ordinary person catch his eye?"

As she said this, her eyes darted towards Su Yan, who had remained taciturn from the start to the end.

Her words and actions all seemed to imply… That the girl whom Jiang Ran liked was definitely Yao Yufei. There was a sense of déjà vu.

Especially since Jiang Ran remained silent after she said this.

To everyone else, this was a silent acknowledgment.

The game of truth or dare continued.

Cheng Xingyang spun the pointer once again.

This time, the arrow pointed straight at Yao Yufei.

When they realized that it was the School Beauty, everybody started to heckle.

Cheng Xingyang asked accordingly, "Truth or dare?"

Yao Yufei's voice was cool. "Dare."

Cheng Xingyang drew a bookmark from the box.

"Among the people seated at the table, choose someone, and kiss him for 1 minute."

The moment he said this, excited exclamations sounded, with numerous people volunteering as tribute.

"Goddess, choose me, choose me!!"

"Goddess! Over here!!"

Everyone pushed and shoved. Yao Yufei's cheeks instantly flushed red.

Following which, her eyes subconsciously wandered to Jiang Ran, who was seated next to her.

Yao Yufei had made eye contact. Who wouldn't understand what she meant?

Countless people raised their eyebrows at Jiang Ran, gesturing to him.

"Brother Jiang, a kiss from the goddess, ah."

"Brother Jiang! Such a massive meat pie is being offered to you. If you don't accept it, us brothers won't let you off!!"

Everyone around started to coo. Yao Yufei's face reddened and she slowly turned her body to face Jiang Ran.

She glanced at him one more time. He didn't say a word.

He merely reclined languidly on the sofa, accentuating the unruliness of this young man wearing a white shirt.

He took a sip of water from the glass cup in his hands.

Lowering his eyelids, he glanced indifferently towards Su Yan at his side.

Coincidentally, Su Yan's eyes were also looking in his direction.

The two of them made eye contact.

Jiang Ran looked up. His pitch-black eyes were unreadable.

She only heard him say in a lazy voice, "Do you also wish for me to kiss her?"

His question was way too incriminating.

The moment he spoke, Yao Yufei's heart was dosed in cold water.

Su Yan blinked her eyes.

"Why are you asking me?"

Jiang Ran closed in on her. Under the dim light, an ambiguous atmosphere brewed between them.

He drew closer to her ear and said in a low voice, "Do you want me to kiss someone else?"

Su Yan subconsciously licked the corner of her lips. After a long time

"I don't want..."