Meeting Again (3)

Juyan Valley was like its name. It was surrounded by huge rock mountains.

One look at it and you saw its majesticness.

However, at the same time, this was a scorching hot world. Broken rocks with dry cracks could be seen falling off everywhere.

The heat from the ground caused the air to become distorted.

As the accompanying doctor, Doctor Wang gave everyone a water bottle filled with medicinal soup.

He had bought the formula for this soup at a high price. It worked best when consumed in such a hot environment.

Of course, Qiu Nuo didn't have a share.

As Madam Gu was weaker and mentally exhausted, she naturally didn't have the energy to care about this matter.

"Doctor Wang, the medicinal soup works well this time. Fifth Prince rewards you this." A guard came to Doctor Wang, smiled, and handed over a bag full of coins to him.

"Thank you, Fifth Prince." It was difficult to hide the joy on Doctor Wang's face as he accepted it respectfully.

Actually, he naturally didn't care about this small sum of money. However, it was definitely a great honor to be recognized by the Fifth Prince.

Doctor Wang tilted his head and looked at Qiu Nuo, who looked slightly flushed. He suddenly smiled and said, "Sorry, Miss. I only have ingredients to make this much medicinal soup, so I didn't prepare your share. Don't hate me for that!"

Looking at Doctor Wang pretending to be kind but deliberately using words to mock her, Qiu Nuo smiled indifferently. "Who's the one who bears hatred? I believe Doctor Wang knows it clearly in your heart. As for your medicinal soup, you should keep it for yourself!"

The smile on Doctor Wang's face disappeared, and he snorted coldly. "You only know how to boast. Let's see how long you can last in this environment!"

Qiu Nuo was still smiling plainly and didn't react to Doctor Wang's words.

If it were in the past, she naturally couldn't survive under such high temperatures for long.

Now that she had contracted the Red Lotus Pig, this temperature wasn't enough to cause any pressure on her.


A guard's pitiful scream could suddenly be heard.

Everyone was shocked and hurriedly looked back.

A guard following behind Madam Gu could be seen convulsing and collapsing to the ground. Soon, there was no movement.

A very frightening scene immediately appeared in front of everyone.

The collapsed guard's body first turned red. Then, it dried up slowly, as if losing water. In the end, it became a dry corpse.

Madam Gu and Xiao Lan were so frightened that they hurriedly retreated a few steps. The way this guard died was too scary!

"Protect Madam!" A cold voice sounded. Nangong Ling held a long sword in his hands and walked slowly to the dead guard. His expression condensed, and he used the long sword in his hands to pierce the dry corpse of the guard directly. He shook lightly and a long, red worm with the thickness of a little finger was thrown into midair.

Nangong Ling laughed coldly. He waved his sword to create a few patterns and the long, red worm broke into several pieces and fell to the ground.

"It's a Fireline Snake. It doesn't have a strong attack, but once it penetrates someone's body, the person will definitely die." Xue Ling's voice sounded in Qiu Nuo's mind.

"Seems like there are other creatures here as well, unlike the rumors," Qiu Nuo said in her heart.

"Fireline Snakes are born in such scorching hot environments, to begin with. I'm afraid there are more of such creatures in Juyan Valley. You have to be more careful. If you really can't make it, let Red Lotus Pig out."

"Let's speak again after reaching!" Qiu Nuo looked at Nangong Ling.

He glanced at the broken corpse of the Fireline Snake on the ground expressionlessly. It was as if he wasn't surprised by the appearance of this creature. He inserted his long sword back into the scabbard, then turned around and said, "Let's continue our way."

There were other dangers along the way.

The closer they got to the center of the valley, the hotter the weather was.

At this time, the medicinal soup that Doctor Wang specially prepared didn't seem to have any effect at all. Apart from Fifth Prince and Madam Gu, almost everyone was drenched in sweat.

Doctor Wang took the opportunity to look at Qiu Nuo. He realized that her face was only flushed red, and she didn't seem to be in a sorry state as they were.

Doctor Wang was extremely puzzled. Could it be that this girl didn't feel hot?

After fifteen minutes, a big tree ten meters high gradually appeared in front of everyone. It was burning like flames.

From afar, Qiu Nuo could see three Chiyan Fruits the size of a brain hanging on the Flame Tree.

As they weren't ripe yet, the fruits were still wrapped in their hard shells. The hard shell would only fall off after it was completely ripe.

"The Chiyan Fruits should be ripe only after four hours. After that, remember to find the Red Lotus Fire Stone from the surroundings," Nangong Ling suddenly said.

"Yes." The dozens of guards standing behind him responded.

After hearing Nangong Ling's words, Qiu Nuo couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

It seemed that this Red Lotus Fire Stone wasn't a secret.

The reason the valley would become so scorching hot was that when the Red Lotus Pig was born, the accompanying Red Lotus Fire Spirit also fell in this valley.

After that, regardless if it was the Red Lotus Fire Stone or that big tree in the valley, they were born because of that Red Lotus Fire Spirit.

Qiu Nuo was puzzled. There were only three Chiyan Fruits. However, so many people were gathered every year.

That was because, aside from the Chiyan Fruits, the Red Lotus Fire Stone would appear once the Chiyan Fruits ripened.

The Red Lotus Fire was one of the strongest flames in this world!

Although there was extremely little Red Lotus Fire contained in the Red Lotus Fire Stone, to an apothecary or an armorer, it was still extremely precious, especially when it was used as an additive for extraction of flames. A bottle could be sold for a high price!

As for the Red Lotus Fire Spirit, only the Red Lotus Pig knew its secret.

After Qiu Nuo contracted the Red Lotus Pig previously, Xue Ling wanted to ask it for information about the Red Lotus Fire Spirit.

As long as someone absorbed the Red Lotus Fire Spirit, they could control the Red Lotus Fire just like the Red Lotus Pig.

This wasn't applicable only for ordinary Soul Masters of the fire attribute, but also for Warriors!

As such, Qiu Nuo was bound to absorb the Red Lotus Fire Spirit. This would be of great help to enhance her strength!

Nangong Ling's men stopped when they were a hundred meters away from the Flame Tree.

The rest basically stopped outside this range as well. After all, the temperature of the Flame Tree was too high. People generally didn't dare to approach it at will.

"Madam, I'll look for the Red Lotus Fire Stone as well. We'll bid farewell here!" Qiu Nuo waved at Madam Gu.

"Alright, be careful."

Qiu Nuo knew that the Red Lotus Fire Spirit was located directly under the Flame Tree. As such, she was just waiting for an opportunity now.

Once the Chiyan Fruit ripened, she would take advantage of the chaos to get near to the Flame Tree and dig out the Red Lotus Fire Spirit that was buried underneath.

However, as Nangong Ling's men were nearby now, she could pretend to look for the Red Lotus Fire Stone.

Suddenly, Qiu Nuo stopped in her tracks.

Under the fire glow, a handsome man was walking side by side with a stunning woman.

The woman was smiling when speaking to the man. The man nodded from time to time. Although he didn't have much of an expression on his face, she could tell that he was listening to her seriously. There wasn't the usual carelessness that Qiu Nuo remembered.