Withered Flame Tree (2)

Yin Feng and Yin Yun, who had been in hiding, were at a loss for words upon seeing the situation.

They knew very well how high the temperature of the Flame Tree was.

It didn't matter if others gave up their lives for the Red Lotus Fire Stone. But how could the woman whom their master had tasked them to protect be so brainless too?

"What shall we do? Should we kidnap her back?" Yin Feng asked helplessly.

"Forget it. Let her go! We'll just follow behind. It won't be too late if she really gets into any danger." Although Yin Yun remained expressionless, his gaze was full of disdain toward Qiu Nuo. This woman was worlds apart from Miss Liu Shiqi, who was both well-educated and knowledgeable.

Qiu Nuo had no idea that she was being tailed, and even Xue Ling had not detected those two powerful figures following Qiu Nuo.

After all, there were many people around, and she did not pay much attention to them.

The adventurers came to a sudden halt about thirty meters away from the Flame Tree.

"Captain, we can't do it. It's too hot. If we go on, we'll be roasted." One of the team members suddenly piped up.

"Yes, I also think it's too hot. I was initially sweating, but now, my sweat has all evaporated." Another team member concurred.

At this moment, one of them suddenly exclaimed, "Captain, look! Is that red and shiny thing the Red Lotus Fire Stone?"

The captain had been slightly hesitant, but upon hearing that, he immediately looked up toward the Flame Tree. Indeed, several spots directly below the Flame Tree were glowing red. That was without question the Red Lotus Fire Stone that only appeared when Chiyan Fruits were ripe.

"Hold it in for a while longer. We'll be there soon. We only have to get one Red Lotus Fire Stone. Then, we'll be rich!" The captain took out a few bottles of potion and handed each of them one. "Drink this."

"It's the Moonlight Essence. Captain, why didn't you take it out earlier since you had it?" One of the team members chuckled while downing the potion in one shot.

The medicine slid down his throat, emitting a sense of coolness that perked him up. Although the air was hot and stuffy, at least his body did not feel like an oven.

Upon hearing that, the captain stared fiercely at that person. "If I took it out earlier, what would we drink now? Keep going!"

Qiu Nuo didn't feel so hot. However, seeing the rest of the people advancing slowly, she dared not move too quickly in case she got too conspicuous.

"Sister Qiu Yue, look there. It looks like that piece of trash, Qiu Nuo. Why is she here too?"

Not far away, Qiu Sinan, who had been by Qiu Yue's side, spoke up.

"How is that possible?"

Qiu Yue looked in the direction that Qiu Sinan pointed out only to see Qiu Nuo strolling casually.

"Oh, it's really my elder sister. Why's she here? It's so dangerous out here! That won't do. I have to stop her." But Qiu Yue did not mean what she said, and her eyes were filled with coldness.

She was nothing more than a piece of trash that couldn't be cultivated. Why did she tag along? Just the sight of her was annoying.

Qiu Nuo was already very close to the Flame Tree, and, seeing that everyone around was about to get hold of the Red Lotus Fire Stone, she quickened her pace and rushed to the Flame Tree to dig it out.

But right at that moment, she heard a voice that disgusted her. "Sister, sister. Wait for me."

Qiu Nuo frowned and looked back to see a haggard Qiu Yue running toward her.

Qiu Yue was different from that gorgeous girl from just now. No matter where she went, Qiu Yue always had impeccable makeup on her. Today was no exception.

But the temperatures in Juyan Valley had gone way above Qiu Yue's expectations. Along the way, her makeup had already been washed away by sweat, and it was now in a mess.

But she knew nothing about that and continued with her pretense, acting like a pretty little flower. It was a revolting sight.

In the end, even Lin Hao could no longer tolerate it and gave the excuse that it would be more convenient to take action separately. He then split up and took the Lin family along with him.

"What's the matter?" Qiu Nuo asked indifferently.

"What are you doing here?" Qiu Yue stood in front of Qiu Nuo, her tone as though she was interrogating a criminal.

"Do you really have to ask?" Qiu Nuo glanced at her. "Of course, I'm here for the same reason as you are. I'm here for the Red Lotus Fire Stone."

"You know about it too?" Qiu Yue was taken aback, but it was a trace of ridicule that appeared on her face. "Sister, you're so foolish. No matter how anxious you are to show off, you shouldn't risk your life! So what if you get lucky and get the Red Lotus Fire Stone? You can't be cultivated, anyway. At the very most, you'll be rewarded with a few pieces of clothes and jewelry when we return home. You won't be able to use all of those other resources even if someone gave them to you! I can't help but feel sorry that you took so much effort to come all the way here to this Flame Tree…"

Qiu Yue smirked. Qiu Nuo was truly worthless in her eyes.

This piece of trash must have spent quite a lot of effort just to find out about the Red Lotus Fire Stone.

But a piece of trash was still a piece of trash. Even if she were to find the Red Lotus Fire Stone, she would only be able to watch on as it was taken from her.

This thought brightened Qiu Yue's mood.

"Sister Qiu Yue." Qiu Sinan had caught up with her, along with the others.

"Why are you only here now? If you delay any more, the Red Lotus Fire Stones are going to be gone." Qiu Yue complained, but it sounded like she was being coquettish.

Although Qiu Sinan knew that Qiu Yue was reprimanding him, it somehow felt comfortable as though someone was tickling his heart.

"Sister Qiu Yue, we saw someone picking the Chiyan Fruits just now. That's why we were distracted and were delayed for a while." Qiu Sinan was afraid that she would misunderstand him and quickly explained.

Hearing that, Qiu Yue and Qiu Nuo couldn't help but turn their heads.

Those three crystal clear and flaming red Chiyan Fruits were in the hands of three different people. Qiu Nuo recognized two out of the three.

One was the Fifth Prince, Nangong Ling, while the other was the lady who had followed Mo Ziyan closely, Liu Shiqi.

Although Qiu Nuo had never seen the last person before, she had guessed his identity.

The last person was a youth dressed in leather armor. Behind him was a large group dressed as mercenaries. Qiu Nuo was familiar with the badge on their clothes. They were definitely part of the Lone Wolf mercenaries.

It seemed like the Chiyan Fruits had gone to Liu Shiqi, the Fifth Prince, and the Lone Wolf mercenaries.

Upon seeing Mo Ziyan and Liu Shiqi together, jealousy flashed past Qiu Yue's face. Then, she laughed and turned to Qiu Nuo. "No wonder you've been alone these few days. That young master already has someone."