Madam Mei Xiang

Qiu Nuo nodded, agreeing with Xue Ling's words.

That little fellow, Red Lotus Pig, cost a fortune too.

Because they naturally grew slowly, it could take up to several hundred years for high-level Spirit Beasts to grow to their full sizes, especially a Holy Beast like the Red Lotus Pig.

Even though more than a decade had passed since its birth, he was still a third-level Spirit Beast.

The only way of speeding up its growth was to use pills.

Thankfully, there was a recipe for a pill that aided the growth of Spirit Beasts in the Collection Of Ancient Home Remedies book.

Although it was only of the third level, it was enough for Little Red Lotus, who was also of the third level.

The news of Qiu Nuo returning to the Qiu residence very quickly reached the ears of the First Elder, Qiu Shicheng.

"This wretched girl! She didn't even get my permission to go up the mountains! How brazen!" Qiu Shicheng slammed the table, and his fifth level aura flowed out naturally. Hong Tao, kneeling in front of him, turned pale at once.

"Brother-in-law, don't get so angry. It isn't good for your health. She's nothing more than a piece of trash that can't be cultivated. What could she possibly do? Just let her do whatever she wants." A coquettish voice arose.

Within the Flower Hall, a seductive woman dressed in purple leaned lazily against the chair.

This woman looked about twenty-seven to twenty-eight. She had a voluptuous figure and a delicate face. She was like a ripe peach that could definitely arouse the deepest desires in a man.

Hong Tao curiously glanced at the woman. Why had she been unaware of the existence of such a beauty in the Qiu family?

Hearing that woman speak, Qiu Shicheng glanced coldly at Hong Tao. "Get out."

"Alright." Hong Tao stood up.

She dared not be too presumptuous in front of Qiu Shicheng. Although she was curious, she bowed and retreated respectfully nonetheless.

"Brother-in-law, she's just a servant. You're being too careful." The woman glanced at him.

"That girl may be close to Qiu Yue, but she isn't especially obedient. We'll face a great loss if she ruins everything for us." Qiu Shicheng picked up his teacup and took a sip from it. "As for that wretched girl, Qiu Nuo, you'd better not underestimate her. She may not have been cultivated, but Qiu Yuansheng treats her like his treasure. To treat her illness, he almost ruined the entire Qiu family!"

Qiu Shicheng humphed. Anger arose every time he thought about that.

Upon hearing that, Mei Xiang was slightly taken aback, and she pursed her lips in disdain. "It looks like the patriarch of the Qiu family isn't a very rational guy."

"Mei Xiang!" Qiu Shicheng stiffened and scolded her. "It's time to rein in that temper of yours. This isn't the Mei family. Qiu Yuansheng's about to return from his isolation. Are you confident?"

Mei Xiang rolled her eyes at him. "Idiot! Do you still not trust me?"

As she said that, Mei Xiang suddenly stood up and strutted toward him, sitting directly on his lap.

"You know best about my abilities." Mei Xiang breathed out seductively, reaching her delicate hand under Qiu Shicheng's robe and slowly moving lower.

Qiu Shicheng couldn't help but humph. "You foolish girl, can't you see where we are?"

Although he said that, Qiu Shicheng's coarse hands started feeling her up as well.

Within the hall, the spring light shone brightly.

The next day, Qiu Yue had returned to the Qiu residence as well.

Qiu Nuo couldn't care less about it, but someone spread the news that Qiu Yuansheng had come out of isolation soon after that.

Thinking about her father, Qiu Nuo felt warmth in her heart.

But she understood that he would have many things to deal with since he had just come out of isolation. She would have to delay her visit.

She believed that her father would be pleased to hear that she could be cultivated.

"Miss, I made some inquiries at the Conference Hall and something seems amiss."

Die Yi rushed in and whispered into Qiu Nuo's ear.

Qiu Nuo frowned. "What do you mean?"

"This…" Die Yi glanced at her cautiously and hesitated. "I heard that Master failed to advance, and he even got hurt in the process. He may never be able to advance again in his entire life."

"What?" Qiu Nuo shot up. "Why did that happen? Wasn't my father very confident before going into isolation?"

"I even heard…" Die Yi stuttered. "The First Elder is using this as a threat to make Master marry Madam Mei Xiang. I heard that she's a distant relative of the First Elder."

"This bastard!" Qiu Nuo cursed.

Ever since Qiu Shicheng had brought Qiu Yue into the Qiu family for her to become the Qiu family's adopted daughter, the power within the family had gradually fallen into Qiu Shicheng's hands. In fact, there were times he had greater say than Qiu Yuansheng.

All the other elders in the Qiu family were nothing but decorative pieces.

Seeing that the Qiu family could possibly end up in Qiu Yue's and Qiu Shicheng's hands, everyone obeyed the First Elder's words like the law and never paid any attention to Qiu Yuansheng, who was the true patriarch.

If Qiu Shicheng got his way and his ally became the mistress of the Qiu family, Qiu Yuansheng would never have a say in the family anymore.

"Where's my father now?" Qiu Nuo rubbed the corner of her lips as she asked.

"Master returned to his study. Madam Mei Xiang was with him." Seeing that Qiu Nuo was in a bad mood, Die Yi spoke cautiously.

"Mei Xiang?" Qiu Nuo sneered. "Let's see if you have what it takes to be my stepmother!"

After washing up, Qiu Nuo headed to Qiu Yuansheng's study alone.

At that very moment, a seductive woman was strutting toward the study with a serving tray in her hands, and her hips were swaying exaggeratedly.

Qiu Nuo raised her eyebrow, and coldness filled her gaze.

There was no question about it. This had to be the Madam Mei Xiang that the First Elder had brought home.

Mei Xiang strolled into the study, eyeing Qiu Yuansheng, who was focused on his tasks, with a passionate gaze.

Qiu Yuansheng looked no older than thirty and was handsome and tall. Qiu Shicheng could never compare to him in this aspect.

Even if she was just putting on an act with such a man, she couldn't be more willing.

Mei Xiang walked fashionably toward Qiu Yuansheng and placed the tray down before smiling. "Brother Yuansheng, I made this sweet Snow Wing Soup especially for you. Try it!"

"You can just leave it there." Qiu Yuansheng was frustrated but replied to her in a polite tone.

"Just try a little. I put a lot of effort into making this." Mei Xiang pouted and looked at him coquettishly.

"Fine!" Qiu Yuansheng frowned, not knowing what to do with this woman. All he wanted to do was to get rid of her. As such, he picked up the bowl of dessert, preparing to down it in two mouthfuls.

"Father, you can't drink that!" Qiu Nuo rushed into the study and snatched the bowl away from him. She smiled at Mei Xiang. "This Madam, my father only drinks the sweet soup cooked by my mother. If you really want to express your feelings, you should try making something else."

Mei Xiang fumed with anger, and her eyelids twitched. "You wretched girl! Don't you know the rules?"

"Oh, are you already lecturing me before you've even married into the family? I wonder how arrogant you'll be if you really do so." Qiu Nuo turned toward Qiu Yuansheng, who was in a daze. "Father, you can't marry someone like that. She'll only create trouble for everyone. I think you'd better find a virtuous woman like my mother. You can tell from her appearance that she's not good. She's dressed like a prostitute from a brothel. It's obvious that she isn't from a respectable family."