Don't Mess with Women

Wang Haifeng was a reliable man, and he collected the information about generators in the industry the next day.

He recommended a brand without much fame to Feng Jun. The manufacturer of the brand was an original equipment manufacturer for a famous brand, so its quality was absolutely high. Moreover, there would be no problem with after-sales since he was the middleman.

Feng Jun chose a 50-kilowatt generator, and it cost him sixteen thousand yuan. Wang Haifeng directly deducted the money from the thirty thousand yuan he owed him and only gave him fourteen thousand yuan.

After that, Feng Jun needed to rent an apartment because a generator was too noisy.

Feng Jun had a new phone now, and he successfully found a suitable apartment on the Internet within two days.

It was a self-built house in Xiaowu Village. Xiaowu Village was a village in the city and was quite close to the city center. It was the earliest renovated village, and now the price of land was sky-high.

The landlord of the rental apartment had built a three-story single-sided building. They needed to share the washroom, and a room was over ten square meters. The room on the first floor wasn't well lit, and the monthly rent was 300 yuan.

It was a reasonable price, although the condition wasn't very good.

The landlord asked him to pay the rent as well as the deposit for three months at once, but Feng Jun couldn't afford it right now. "Can I pay the rent for a month and the deposit for three months? There is nothing in the room."

The landlord, however, was unwilling to do that. "No, you can't. It's the rule. You have a key to the door of my house, and you should pay a deposit of nine hundred yuan for it. After all, if you lose the key, I have to change the door."

It was total bullshit! Feng Jun couldn't accept it. "How can you be sure that none of the tenants in your house has secretly copied the key?"

The two negotiated with each other for a long while, and the landlord's eyes suddenly lit up. "Oh, I just remembered that I have another house somewhere else."

That house actually didn't belong to him, but a street factory. The factory was already closed, but the government hadn't thought of a good way to deal with the building yet. That lot was closer to the city, and the land price was higher, so there could be a complicated lawsuit.

The landlord's father was guarding the gate there, and he secretly rented rooms to other people to make some money.

The landlord kept persuading Feng Jun to rent it and asked for two hundred yuan a month for it, and the utilities were free.

However, the living conditions were a bit worse. Even the windows of the house were broken, and the window frames needed to be repaired and the glasses should be replaced.

Feng Jun went to see it and liked it at first glance. Compared to the landlord's own building, it was in a quieter place near the city center.

As for the bad condition, he didn't care much about it. He liked it because there was nobody living inside and his privacy would be guaranteed.

The landlord's father was a straightforward old man. "I can repair the windows and door for you, and you only need to pay me a little money. I know you're a graduate, so I'm willing to rent a room to you."

In addition to the factory building, there were seven or eight rooms which used to be offices and could accommodate people. Nevertheless, if the tenants weren't good, the janitor would be in trouble.

About five years ago, someone rented the whole building and turned it into a brothel.

The police received a report and removed the brothel right away. After that, the landlord's father became the gatekeeper of this factory.

Anyway, it was an abandoned factory downtown, and there was only Feng Jun in addition to the old man inside.

Feng Jun didn't care about the bad conditions, but felt lucky that he had a graduate certificate, which was useful sometimes.

At the same time, he was worried that it might cause trouble if he moved in along with his generator.

The old man, however, said with confidence, "You don't need to be worried. Some scrap collectors used to live here. If I hadn't paid special attention to them, the house could have been demolished by them."

In other words, if there was anything valuable, it would have belonged to this factory.

Feng Jun paid the rent for a month, and his generator was delivered the next day.

He moved it into the factory and turned it on to test it. After finding that there was no problem with the operation, he signed for the goods.

The old man had repaired his room well, and Feng Jun paid him 50 yuan. He then went to weed by himself.

No one had lived here for a long time. In the cracks of the paving bricks, weeds were as high as half a person, and they could even cover the ground.

It took him two days of free time to remove the weeds at the door and sort out a way for people to walk.

It was almost late autumn. If these weeds weren't removed, it could easily cause a fire by a spark from the generator.

After removing the weeds, Feng Jun thought that he should take his stuff in their club over later.

He decided to do that after he had the salary for this month.

There were only three days away from the payday, and Feng Jun could have over eight thousand yuan this month.

It was a lot in Zhengyang City, but it was barely enough for him to afford a house. It was just enough to buy a bathroom. If he spent half of his salary every month, he would have to save money for two years to buy a bathroom.

He had to make some changes. Feng Jun made up his mind. He was a man who had experienced the adventure after all.

However, before he could do that, Guo Yueling had a private talk with him the next day.

There was a strange expression on Manager Guo's face. "Feng Jun, are you still planting grass these days?"

Feng Jun was startled. He then nodded. "Yeah, but not very often."

Manager Guo gave him a meaningful look. "Sister Hong hasn't stolen the grass from your farm for a long time, right?"

"Well…" Feng Jun thought for a while. He then nodded. "Probably, I don't pay much attention to it. What's wrong?"

"Great." Manager Guo suddenly looked relaxed. "Since you don't pay much attention to our boss, our boss can ignore you as well."

There was no expression on Feng Jun's face, but his heart sank slightly, and he knew something that he didn't understand had happened.

Anyway, he had gone through two years of social training, and he was still calm, and raised a smile. "Sister Hong is the general manager, and it's quite normal if she ignores me, right?"

Guo Yueling remained silent, tilted her head slightly, and looked at him with interest. She enjoyed it when he felt embarrassed.

She observed Feng Jun for a minute before smiling. "Well, I can inform you on behalf of our club that you are fired."

Hearing that, Feng Jun was struck dumb. He had just been promoted for fewer than 10 days, and now, he was fired.

Although he already made up his mind to quit the job this month or next month, he was unwilling to be fired beforehand.

It felt totally different.

Therefore, he wore an annoyed face and clenched his teeth. "Why? What have I done wrong?"

However, Guo Yueling quietly appreciated his gaffe, waited for a while, then answered slowly. "There is no reason for that. We simply think that you're not suitable to work here any longer. Don't worry, you'll still get your pay for this month."

The payday was still three days away, which meant he could get paid without working for three days.

However, Feng Jun was still furious. A man could be destroyed but not defeated.

Besides, he hated Manager Guo's tone and attitude when she said that to him. It sounded as if he were a beggar.

Feng Jun wanted to curb his anger, but he couldn't tolerate the humiliation.

He took a deep breath in and composed himself. "I need to see Sister Hong and ask her face to face."

Manager Guo sneere, and looked at him with sympathy. "Don't be stupid. Sister Hong told me to tell you that news in person, and she doesn't want to embarrass you."

Feng Jun took another deep breath to calm himself down.

After a long while, he raised a smile. "Well, since you're very honest with me, I think I should tell the truth too. Actually, I have the idea to quit this month, and it's not bad to leave here earlier."

Nevertheless, what he just said was merely a joke in Manager Guo's ears. She sneered again, "Oh, really? What a shame! I thought I should give you a salary for another month as compensation, but it seems that you don't need it."

Hearing that, Feng Jun clenched his teeth in anger. At this moment, he really hated Guo Yueling to death.

He absolutely lacked money, and he would take the salary for two months if he could have the compensation, although it would make him feel a little humiliated.

In addition, he might hate Hongjie Fitness Club less for the sake of the money.

Would Guo Yueling pay him an extra month's salary? She might or might not.

No matter what, she only said this after he announced that he wanted to resign in order to humiliate him.

Now even if the company really intended to give him one more month's salary, he had no face to take it.

He stared straight at Manager Guo with an expressionless face till she avoided his eyes. "Good, very good."

Guo Yueling somehow felt stressed when Feng Jun said the three simple words.

At this time, she didn't dare to look at him with joking eyes. She just dropped her eyelids and said, "You can go to the finance department to get your salary now."

She didn't feel relieved and sneered once more until Feng Jun slammed the door and left. Afterward, she made a call.

Once the call was answered, she changed her face. "Sister Hong, I had the talk with him, and he accepted it," said Manager Guo in a serious tone.

Zhang Weihong remained silent for a while on the phone. She then said, "Did you give him the salary for next month as compensation?"

Guo Yueling wore a wry smile. "He told me that he already has the idea to quit this month. He doesn't care about it."

Zhang Weihong sighed and remained silent for a few seconds, then she hung up the call.

Hearing the busy tone from the receiver, Guo Yueling also put her phone down with a cold smile on her lips.

Feng Jun, you should never mess with women!