Days in the Wilderness

In fact, Feng Jun's idea couldn't withstand scrutiny, and a generator could also cause a lot of trouble.

The noise of diesel power generation was very loud, and it would spread far at night. If any beasts were attracted, it would be terrible.

It would be worse if it attracted creatures of the same kind. In the wilderness, humans were probably much more terrifying than beasts.

After smoking a cigarette, Feng Jun set off fully armed. This time he even put on a helmet, and he had a Kukri in his left hand and a rubber stick in his right hand. There was a powerful crossbow on his back, an electric baton hanging from his waist, and two daggers were tied to his outer thighs.

In a blink of an eye, 10 days passed. Feng Jun had suffered a lot during this period of time, and his body was also stinking with thick sweat.

Exploring a mountain was harder than he thought.

He didn't need to be close to the ground, and he just walked around and felt whether there was any heat on his wrist. During the past 10 days, with the warehouse as the center, he had searched a circle with a radius of 30 miles.

However, he found nothing useful!

He indeed had encountered dangers. He had fallen into a cave, but luckily, it wasn't deep. He stepped on a dead branch, but it turned out to be an unknown insect and bit him. Fortunately, the boots he wore were lined with steel plates.

The bug only bit through the surface of the cowhide, leaving two rows of fine tooth prints on the steel plate.

What was particularly scary was that he once had encountered a large group of insects that looked like mosquitoes next to a bush.

Those insects looked like mosquitoes, but they were about the size of a dragonfly, and their long and thin mouths indicated that they could suck blood. Thankfully, they preferred to suck plant juices.

Among the materials purchased by Feng Jun, there was tear gas.

When Feng Jun was purchasing, he asked the shopkeeper for the "smoke bomb", saying that he would use it for filming, and it would be better to add a "tear-gas" effect.

The shopkeeper told him that the price would be higher if he wanted that effect.

Feng Jun bought five cans in total and carried two with him.

He now felt lucky that he brought two with him. He opened one of them, but there was no response at all. was indeed a distribution center for fake and shoddy goods.

The other one worked well, and a thick, white smoke came out in an instant.

This was the first appearance of tear gas in this space, and the effect was extremely obvious. The mosquitoes were very rampant at the beginning, like a wasp stabbed in a honeycomb, and they rushed toward Feng Jun with a decisive momentum.

Nevertheless, once the heavy smoke rose, the black cloud of mosquitoes suddenly stopped.

There were a few mosquitoes that were still rushing into the white smoke, but they fell to the ground one after another.

When they fell, their transparent wings made a strange vibration sound, which seemed to be a warning. Afterward, the white smoke began to spread, and some mosquitoes that weren't able to escape right away also fell to the ground.

The next second, the black cloud receded quickly.

When the white smoke was still spreading, the black cloud turned and rolled directly into the distance without looking back.

At that time, Feng Jun couldn't stand it either. He finally coughed violently with tears streaming down his face. "F*ck, I forgot to buy a gas mask."

Anyway, after 10 days, Feng Jun had lost a lot of weight. What he had to consider now was whether to continue to explore here or somewhere else.

Taking a look at less than 80 bottles of mineral water, he decided to travel far. When he came here, he brought 120 bottles of 1.25 liters of mineral water, which was two hundred and forty catties.

Even if he drank two and a half bottles a day, they were enough for forty or fifty days, but unexpectedly, he consumed at least three bottles of water a day when he climbed up a mountain under the scorching sun. He also had a kettle to boil water at night, and he drank hot tea to keep out the cold.

Water was a problem, and gasoline was another, but it was the opposite. There was too much gasoline left, and he would wait for a long time to use it again.

In fact, Feng Jun was finding it hard to carry it at this time. He didn't know whether his body smelled or not, but he was very sure that his hair was already stuck in locks, and he couldn't comb it apart.

He ached to sleep in a quiet room instead of shivering in a blanket and worrying that the tent would be blown away by the howling wind. He didn't want to be worried about some inexplicable small animals that could interrupt his sleep in the middle of the night.

He had never realized that a peaceful and safe room was so precious until now.

To be honest, it was really uncomfortable to be alone in the wild, and he really couldn't stand it any longer.

If he were aware of that earlier on, he would have brought in a mobile phone to help him relax.

However, despite so many complaints, he still insisted on the expedition for one reason, that he didn't have much energy now. If he were to leave the space this time, he would only have about 20 energy points, which were merely enough for him to smuggle once.

He had a sense of urgency, and he had to hurry up and make full use of his time. He was in the best days of his life right now, so he wanted to get rich as soon as possible and enjoy his life.

Besides, it was hard to say whether the adventure brought by this stone ring could accompany him forever.

That night, he ate a great meal and drank a bottle of water before having a relatively good sleep.

Early the next morning, when light first appeared, he rode a motorcycle with most of the remaining water and half of the gasoline toward an unknown destination.

After 10 days of observation, he found that there seemed to be valleys and flat rivers on the south side of this mountain, so he chose this direction.

The weight of the motorcycle at this moment had approached 250 kilograms. Even the remodeled body was somewhat overwhelmed. The rugged and uneven ground made it extremely difficult to travel.

Especially when the load behind the car was too heavy, and when a bump occasionally happened, he often felt difficult to ride steadily.

He made up his mind to bring a modified, super-heavy-duty motorcycle the next time he entered here, and the luggage rack must be welded on the front of the motorcycle.

Even though he stumbled along the way, he had traveled for almost two hundred miles by noon.

At this time, he entered the valley.

There were many forks in the valley, and it obviously used to be a river, but now, it had dried up. Sometimes, he could see shells in the cracks of the pebbles.

Time could make big changes to the environment, which was really normal.

Feng Jun didn't explore those small river valleys. He didn't have a map, and he even didn't have a clear sense of direction. In this case, exploring the bifurcations of the river valleys would be no different from seeking death.

As a former amateur travel lover, he was quite clear about the above knowledge. Although he was confident in his memory and recognizing the way was his specialty, he had no intention of challenging the experience that his predecessors had summed up with blood and tears.

He was a thoughtful man. During his advancement, he wouldn't only stop and look around every sixty to seventy miles, but he would also bury some food and water so that he could use them on the way back.

If the motorcycle broke down halfway, he needed these materials he prepared in advance to stay safe.

Although he could exit the space at any time and return to the place he rented, the cost of doing that was too high, so it was the last resort.

In the evening, Feng Jun estimated that he had already walked over four hundred miles, which was equal to two hundred kilometers.

The river valley was zigzag, and the linear distance could be shorter than a hundred kilometers.

With the reduction of the materials on the motorcycle, the control of the motorcycle was much more flexible and less strenuous.

Feng Jun decided to start camp in the evening. He chose a depression on the half-hillside of the river valley and set up a tent. This was also common sense. The wind in the middle of the valley was really too heavy.

Once the sun went down, the wind in the valley suddenly became stronger, especially in the early morning. The howling cold wind seemed to be the only existence between the sky and the earth, and it was terrifying and scary.

Just by listening to the sound, Feng Jun could tell it was a moderate gale.

Anyway, he was still very proud of himself, because the place he chose was so good that the river breeze basically couldn't affect him. Occasionally, there was a wind blowing, but it was a light breeze.

At dawn the next day, the wind had dropped a lot, so he packed up and continued to move ahead.

He had already planned to go ahead for two to three days. Whether he could find anything valuable or not, he must return, or he would be short of materials.

This valley was really too winding, and he honestly didn't know how long he had to walk forward to get out of here.

He would explore for another four days at most.

Interestingly, right after he made the decision, he discovered something useful by noon.

At that time, he paused next to a big rock, planning to look around to choose a place to bury a small amount of water.

However, in the process of looking around, he found a human bone.

Along the way, he had seen human bones many times, and it was very normal to see another one.

Nevertheless, this human bone was too close to him, and there was something like an iron chain tied to it.

Feng Jun clearly knew that he would be scared to death if he encountered such a human bone in the wilderness before his adventure started, but now, everything was different.

He walked forward and kicked the human bone apart without feeling uncomfortable at all.

It proved that he had become accustomed to human bones after seeing them often.

The bone was seriously weathered, and it wasn't easy for it not to fall apart in the river breeze over the years.

And now, it broke into pieces after being kicked by Feng Jun.

The iron chain, on the contrary, was pretty strong, and it didn't fall apart.

"What is it?" Feng Jun frowned and looked to the other end of the iron chain.

There was a large, irregular stone the size of a human head, and it was relatively flat, but its color was unusual.