Chapter 69: The Brain Hole of a Master

Feng Jun detected the malice in Hao Ge's voice and simply stood up, leaving the warmth of the fire.

Once the market was over, he planned to leave this place. It wasn't worth stirring up trouble over a few harsh words.

Seeing him walk away, Hao Ge's face darkened slightly. At that moment, Ding Family's second son spoke, "Feng Ge is just like that, cold on the outside, warm on the inside. Hao Ge, don't take it to heart... he saved my Xiao Douzi's life."

"Oh?" Hao Ge glanced at him, nodded slightly, and spoke emotionlessly, "Those with ability often have a bit of pride."

Feng Jun sat on his camp bed and pulled out another cigarette to light, when someone approached and reached out a hand to him.

Feng Jun glanced at Lang Zhen, silently handed over a cigarette, and passed the lighter as well.

Lang Zhen didn't take the lighter but instead took the burning cigarette from his hand and used it to light his own.