Chapter 98: Casting Silver Dollars (Third Update)

Feng Jun hesitated for a moment before answering, "In the short term, I can consider a down payment of not more than twenty million. As for later... money will be even less of an issue, as I'm a bit strapped for cash these days."

The young agent hung up the phone, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly, "A down payment of twenty million for a property... and that's considered being strapped for cash?"

However, right after that, he jumped up, clenching his fist fiercely, "If I nail this deal, I can make a down payment too!"

Let's set aside the agent's excitement for now. Wang Haifeng eventually did call up Zhang Wei and Li Qiang to have a small get-together with Feng Jun that evening.

Not so long ago, although the three of them had dealings with Feng Jun, they always felt that since he came from a small place and didn't have any industry in Zhengyang, he wasn't worth any special attention.