Chapter 109: Difficulties in Industrial Enterprises (First Update to Celebrate Young Volunteers)

Feng Jun sat in the car, glanced sideways at Sister Hong, and noticed she was looking at him too.

Feeling bashful, he smiled, "Two months ago, I would've never imagined I could sit in Sister Hong's car. It's truly an honor."

This was no exaggeration; in fact, had he not fought two rounds with the attractive sales guide yesterday and vented some steam, he might have been unable to control certain physiological reactions right now.

The complex of conquering a beautiful female boss wasn't unique to Coach Wang; Boss Feng had it too. It wasn't a perversion but rather only such challenges, such reversals of fortune, could satisfy a man's desire for conquest to the fullest.

Just think about Feng Jun's state two months ago to understand his feelings. At that time, his perception of Sister Hong was: a successful beauty like her was not someone he was qualified to pursue. If he had insisted, it was almost certain he would have been humiliating himself.