Chapter 140: Weakness Is the Original Sin (Calling for Monthly Votes with 3 Updates)

Minister Luo's remarks left Elder Zhao almost choking to death.

Dumbfounded for a moment, he then plucked up the courage to reply, "If they could destroy our family heirloom War Bow, it must be a superior weapon, right?"

The corner of Minister Luo's mouth lifted into a disdainful smile, "If this is the extent of your competence, I really have to question whether you have any right to teach others cultivation... Do you dare to repeat that?"

Faltering for a moment under the other's intimidating presence, Elder Zhao could only mutter two words in a low voice, "I dare not."

"I believe you are not that foolish," Minister Luo spoke coldly, "As a martial master, you should have the insight to match. War Bows are not known for being sturdy; you have a family heirloom War Bow, are you not aware of this?"

Plainly said, the destruction of the War Bow just now doesn't necessarily prove the attacker's strength.