Chapter 154: Spirit Stone Ore (Two Updates)

Feng Jun had no other choice with this move, as there were too many and too mixed points of light on the screen, and it was all too easy to tap the wrong one.

Plus, both the ores and finished products displayed on the screen, and he could even imagine that the grey points of light taking up the most space were most likely "Refined Copper Ore"—yes, the very copper coins that everybody carried around.

In such a case, to preferentially select the items he needed, he definitely had to limit the search conditions.

However, to his disappointment, after changing the search condition to "Immortal Crystal" and re-entering the room, there wasn't a single point of light on the big screen.

After thinking it over, he stepped out of the room again and changed "Immortal Crystal" to "Spirit Stone"—since the mortal term didn't work, he might as well try the name from the Earth Realm.