Chapter 166: Secret Technique (Part 2)

"People nearby" gave Feng Jun another surprise, indeed, after the imprint evolved, there was more information about the people nearby.

The information about Feifei indicated that her physical constitution was balanced in the Five Elements, with the Wood and Gold Attributes being relatively weak, and the Water Attribute not particularly strong either; at the same time, the Yin and Yang energies within her were imbalanced, with an overly heavy Yin Energy.

As Feng Jun spent more time here, his understanding of cultivation was no longer utterly dark. From this, he judged that Feifei, having lost her parents at a young age and needing to support her younger brother, was severely malnourished, and under considerable psychological stress.

Now that she was with Feng Jun's group, her nutrition could keep up, and her mood had improved, but to make up for the deficit from before was not a matter of a moment; it would take at least three to five months of recuperation.