276, accompanied by a beautiful woman

Everyone in Huo Yuan Group knew that the company president, Mr. Huo, had been in a bad mood these past few days.

Arriving at the office before nine every morning with a stern face, he demanded all senior executives to work overtime until 8 p.m.

Wherever he passed, there was terror and desolation in his wake.

As the higher-ups were working overtime, so were their subordinates, so the entire company was filled with complaints.

Today, Nancheng was hit by a sandstorm. How nice it should have been to sleep in, watch a series, or play a game on such a wonderful weekend. Instead, they were summoned by an email to attend a lecture on Yushewei's sales management.

They thought they could finally get some rest after the lecture. But stepping out the door, Huo Jingshen had another demand: everyone had to write a reflection of at least 10,000 words.

This was ridiculous.

10,000 words?! Had he mistaken them for college students?