Dong Yuzhu Started It

Dong Yuzhu was famous for making up stories about students to their parents.

She was unlike the other teachers, who only notified parents of their children's misbehaviours for the students' own good.

She was the sort who enjoyed adding details and exaggerating small events for the sake of painting a poor image of the students in front of their parents. Her goal was to strengthen her intimidating image before the students.

Although she succeeded in doing so, her methods had led to some students' acute dislike for her.

However, most of the parents felt that she was great and always ate out of her hands.

Some students had suffered her wrongful accusations and had yet to succeed in defending themselves. They had been suffering silently in anger for a long time.

One of them said, "Why else would she be called Madam Kill-All? Isn't it logical that her nails are sharp?"