Qinghao Is Jealous (Part 1)

Fang Shaohua instantly lost consciousness.

Fang Xinxin pressed against Fang Shaohua and guided him to lay back on the bed.

She caught her breath and sat up. As she glanced at the bed, she realised…

There was actually a small, wet spot on his pants!

Moreover, the glass bottle she used earlier to knock him unconscious had been half-full. After the blow, the wine spilled all over him and soaked his clothes.

She wanted to let him be, but keeping damp clothes on for long periods would not only cause discomfort, he could also fall sick.

With the way her brother was drunk, she wasn't sure when he would finally wake up.

Fang Xinxin stood up and tidied her clothes. Then, she tugged on the sheets to cover Fang Shaohua's legs.

Her phone pinged at that moment. It was a message from Bai Qinghao:

[What are you up to?]

She replied within seconds: [Thinking of you.]