Stunning Beauty

The best compliments always came from the man she loved. Her anger instantly dissipated. "Am I really beautiful?"

She wanted to hear him praise her again. However, he only nodded. "En."

"Then, is my figure good?" Her figure wasn't concealed by the sheets. His sharp gaze took in her slender yet curvy figure. Her legs were long and thin and he could easily hold her waist in his hands. Her perfect posture wonderfully complimented her perfect figure!

"There isn't a woman who could compare to you." These words were sincere.

He truly did not expect for her figure to be this oustanding after losing weight. Even her face was flawless and stunning.

Although, regardless of how she appeared, the space she occupied in his heart could not be altered, but he found that he could not take his eyes off her beauty.

When she heard this, her lips curved into a light smile.