One Step Ahead

She sighed. Since she knew Jiamu was safe, she could not afford to divert too much attention to her right now.

Based on her memories, Bai Jingrou would save Ye Yunzhi, Bai Qinghao's mother, today. Consequently her position in the Bai home would also be elevated.

As she had not paid much attention to the Bai family in her past life, she wasn't very certain about the details of this incident.

From what she heard, something had fallen from above and Bai Jingrou threw herself forward to push Ye Yunzhi aside. She then sprained her leg and received the Bai family's elders' concern.

Fang Xinxin stood in the yard and noticed Bai Jingrou on the second storey of the Jing Xin Residence. She was standing on the balcony.

This meant that the incident had yet to happen.

However, she was dressed in a white dress and had her hair up in a bun. She had also done her make-up and it seemed she was preparing to head out soon.