She Is Dead

"I'm not referring to your wife's sister, Fang Liyin. I'm referring to your wife, Fang Lilan…" The reporter was about to continue when Fang Xinxin quickly spoke up. "I'm sorry. We will not answer any questions relating to this topic."

Long Xuan, however, grew nervous. "This reporter, what did you say happened to my wife, Lilan?"

When the reporters heard Fang Xinxin's words, they immediately understood that the Long family was concealing Fang Lilan's death from Long Xuan. They fell silent and did not respond.

"My apologies, everyone." Long Jingyuan rushed to speak up. "Today's press conference will end right now."

Fang Xinxin quickly pushed Long Xuan's wheelchair out of the venue.

Long Jingyuan also rushed to follow.

The three of them headed to the thirtieth storey of the Long Group's building and entered the break room inside the director's office.