All Is Fair In The Game

Dai Weian responded with a nod. "This place is located in the Pacific Ocean, near Africa. It doesn't belong to any country and is considered a red zone. Several international underground gambling dens have occupied this place and started a game. Each season, the 'players' who participate in this game have to fight with their lives. The final winner will then be rewarded with ten million US dollars. The players come from places all over the world and are all vicious people. Most of them are guilty of monstrous crimes and have decided to risk their lives for money. As the chances of survival are very low, some participants choose to form groups. Each group can have at most four individuals. When a group wins, prize money is split equally among them."

When Bai Qinghao heard this, he frowned. "How many players are there in each team? How can we leave this place?"