Are You Shy?

It went without saying that Zhong Yi was going to give the crayfish regardless if Qi Moye agreed or not!

What he didn't expect was that Qi Moye actually agreed!

This was a bit strange, but he couldn't tell what was strange.

Zhong Yi took the box of crayfish to the living room, found a pen, and took out a pack of pink heart-shaped sticky notes from his pocket. He started writing, "Goddess, I'm your fan. Can you give me an autograph next time?"

Lastly, he drew an admiring, starry-eyed character beside it. .

After that, Zhong Yi waved his hand to Qi Ting "Little Tingting, come over."

His face looked like he was harboring malicious intentions. 

Qi Ting walked over. "What's wrong?"

This uncle would only call him affectionately like that when he needed him to do something.

Don't think that he didn't know!
