I Will Agree to Anything You Want

Old Mrs. Lu weakly opened her eyes, and a look of approval appeared on her wrinkled face.

Holding Yun Wei's hand, she looked at Lu Zhanting and asked, "Is this Yun Wei, the daughter of the Yun family?"

"Yes, Grandma," Yun Wei replied with a smile and nodded.

With a trembling hand, Old Mrs. Lu removed her jade bangle, and before Yun Wei even had the chance to react, she put it on her wrist. The wrinkles on Old Mrs. Lu's face deepened as she smiled and said, "This is our family heirloom. Keep it safe."

Yun Wei looked surprised, but Old Mrs. Lu looked satisfied as she instructed, "Zhanting, arrange for the surgery."

Old Mrs. Lu was wheeled into the operating theatre.

Now that this huge responsibility had been lifted from his shoulders, Lu Zhanting heaved an audible sigh of relief, releasing all his pent-up emotions in one go.

His grandmother had finally agreed to the surgery, and to him, that was a job well done.

Standing to the side, Yun Wei began, "Master Ting, I'd better return this jade bangle to you…."

Since it was a family heirloom and all, she couldn't possibly hold on to it.

She tried to slide the jade bangle off her arm, but it refused to budge, staying firmly around her wrist as if it had grown roots.

Lu Zhanting glanced sideways at her. As the sun's rays shone on her face, the fine hair on her cheeks formed a faint silhouette, framing her facial features in a soft radiance.

But, for some unknown reason, there was a hint of sorrow on her face.

And, to him, she seemed to show the sweetest and weakest side of her nature.

On impulse, he replied, "Keep it."

"How could I do that? This is the Lu family heirloom. I can't just keep it," Yun Wei laughed.

But despite her best efforts, she simply couldn't remove the jade bangle from her wrist.

Lu Zhanting reached out his long arm and tugged at her wrist, pulling her to face him. When he noticed the red marks on her wrist caused by her unsuccessful attempts at removing the jade bangle, an inexplicable emotion flashed in his eyes.

Quietly, he asked, "Is it so terrible being my fiancé?"

"…." Yun Wei thought that he was joking and laughed, "I have a boyfriend."

She was thinking of Bai Wenping when, suddenly, a pained look flashed across her face—he was her ex.

Lu Zhanting frowned. "Make him your ex."

"Does Master Ting enjoy stealing another man's girlfriend?" Yun Wei asked with a smile.

Lu Zhanting's gaze shifted to the pile of medical reports and CT films in Yun Wei's arms, and he commented, "He couldn't even be bothered to come with you to the hospital. Isn't it about time you made him your ex?"

His words hit Yun Wei right where it hurt.

Bai Wenping had neglected her, leaving her to come to the hospital on her own. Not only that, he hoped with all his heart that Yun Wei would continue to be a halfwit forever so that he and Hua Shasha could scam her out of all her assets.

The pained look in Yun Wei's eyes quickly disappeared. Raising her head, she plucked up her courage and looked Lu Zhanting in the eye. "Okay, no big deal," she said. "I'll be your fiancé, but Master Ting…."

As though he had expected Yun Wei would have some conditions, Lu Zhanting quickly agreed to anything she wanted without hesitation. "I'll agree to anything you want," he said.

"I'm still under eighteen. Let's wait until I'm over eighteen before the Lu family makes an official announcement about my status as your fiancé. Can we do that?" Yun Wei asked as she looked at him with radiant, bright eyes.

Bai Wenping and Hua Shasha were still under the impression that she was a halfwit, and she wanted to use that to toy with them for a while.

"Yes, that can be arranged," Lu Zhanting replied without a moment's hesitation.

Yun Wei, seeing that Old Mrs. Lu was now being wheeled out of the operating theatre after a successful surgery, said, "All right then. Goodbye, Master Ting."

That said, Yun Wei quickly disappeared from Lu Zhanting's sight with her pile of reports and films in her arms.

Turning his head, Lu Zhanting instructed his personal attendant, "Go and find out why Yun Wei had a brain CT scan done."