Not an Easy Task

Hua Shasha opened the door and almost jumped out of her skin. She hadn't expected Auntie Ji to turn up so soon.

Auntie Ji recognized Hua Shasha as Yun Wei's bestie. Smiling, she said, "Shasha? I'm here to help Weiwei pack up the jewelry that she brought with her when she left home. We need to send them to be cleaned. After they're done being cleaned, I'll send them back to her. Oh, right, and there will also be an additional piece then—a diamond necklace that her family has prepared for her."

Despite her fears about their ruse being found out, Hua Shasha really wanted Yun Wei's diamond necklace for herself, so she stood in Auntie Ji's way and said, "Auntie Ji, I'll help Weiwei pack up her jewelry and then turn them over to you. Since you've just landed, you should rest your feet."

Auntie Ji made a gesture of polite refusal and, signaling that she trusted Hua Shasha, accepted her offer. "All right, then. I was hoping to visit a friend of mine. I'm leaving in three days, so please have the jewelry packed for me before then."

"No problem. Leave it to me," Hua Shasha replied reassuringly.

Auntie Ji sent Yun Wei a knowing look before leaving the apartment.

Yun Wei sat on the sofa, the smile on her face betraying nothing. She behaved as if she were in a world of her own and hadn't heard a word of the conversation that had just taken place.

Patting her chest, Hua Shasha sighed with relief. Luckily, although Yun Wei had suffered a head injury, she looked her normal innocent and adorable self. It was impossible to tell that she'd been injured. Even Auntie Ji hadn't noticed anything abnormal.

Thinking that Yun Wei was still a halfwit, Hua Shasha stepped up closer to her and said, "Just stay put. I'll be right back. I'll help you pack your jewelry. You don't need to do anything."

"Oh, Okay," Yun Wei smiled sweetly.

Hua Shasha left the apartment. She was determined to have that priceless diamond necklace that Yun Wei was about to receive. To do that, she now had to hunt down and retrieve all the jewelry that she'd scammed off Yun Wei.

Otherwise, if their ruse was found out, they'd no longer be able to get anything from Yun Wei.

However, hunting down and retrieving all the jewelry that she'd either sold at low prices or pawned wouldn't be an easy task.

Also, in order to buy back the jewelry that she'd sold, or to redeem those that she'd pawned, they would need a huge sum of money.

She decided to call Bai Wenping and tell him everything, adding, "Can you get me the money so that I can redeem what we pawned. When I get my hands on the diamond necklace, we'll have a lot of money."

Bai Wenping's only objective in dating Yun Wei was to get his hands on her money. When he found out that Yun Wei was to be gifted with that diamond necklace, he smiled gleefully and replied, "Sure, I'll get you the money."

Bai Wenping and Hua Shasha went about raising the money they needed.

With her ear to the door, Yun Wei listened in on their conversation and knew that her scheme was working. To get their hands on her diamond necklace, that trashy couple would surely raise money to retrieve the jewelry they'd stolen from her.

Hua Shasha and Bai Wenping had no inkling that they were being tricked. They weren't suspicious in the slightest. All they saw was the huge gain they stood to gain and could barely contain their greed and excitement.

Yun Wei knew that her jewelry would soon be returned to her.

A real smile finally spread across her face.

Then, she called the bank and canceled her two credit cards.

She was determined not to give the trashy duo any chance to continue spending her money.

Mission accomplished, Yun Wei returned to the apartment next door.

She threw away the cheap gimmicky cake and brandless milk from Bai Wenping and filled a bowl full of some soup Auntie Ji had made for her. She took a dainty sip from the bowl and felt as if she'd been reborn.

It scared her to think about how Bai Wenping and Hua Shasha would've continued to mistreat her if she'd remained in her half-witted condition.

Fortunately, she had woken up and now had a clear look at what really was going on.