Extending the Hand of Friendship

"What help? You've done more harm than help. Why else do we encounter such problems every time!?" The more Hua Sasha thought about it, the more she started to suspect that something wasn't right. "Bai Wenping, are you working with Yun Wei to trick me?" she asked.

"Trick you? What good will it do me to trick you? Do you think you're Yun Wei, who comes from a wealthy and connected family?" Bai Wenping was also getting really angry.

"Bai Wenping, are you belittling me?" At his words, Hua Shasha, who was already hopping mad, lunged at Bai Wenping and clawed repeatedly at his face.

"Hua Shasha, you're beyond unreasonable!" Bai Wenping exclaimed, pushing Hua Shasha aside and angrily walking away.

"I'm being unreasonable? I'm being unreasonable?" Hua Shasha rushed at Bai Wenping and clawed at him again.

The pair was on the verge of engaging in a vicious fight.

On the other hand, Yun Wei, who had walked out of the hotel, was saying goodbye to her classmates.

She caught a glimpse of Bai Wenping and Hua Shasha bickering and wrestling with each other inside the hotel, and a hint of a smile spread across her face.

By her side, Lu Zhanting glanced briefly at Bai Wenping and Hua Shasha.

"Let's go," he said. "There's not much fun watching rats fighting one another."

Yun Wei got into the car with Lu Zhanting.

Because they were disrupting the ambiance and operation of the five-star hotel with their public fighting, Bai Wenping and Hua Shasha were manhandled by the service personnel and thrown off of the hotel premises. Despite the bruises that they'd suffered from being unceremoniously tossed outside, the pair continued to bicker, each blaming the other.

Yun Wei watched them from the window. It was like watching two wretched desperadoes.

Lu Zhanting closed the windows.

The car window slowly closed in front of Yun Wei, blocking her view of Bai Wenping and Hua Shasha.

Truth be told, she came from a world that was different from the one those two lived in.

And now, that difference had become even more apparent.

Glancing sideways at Lu Zhanting, Yun Wei saw his side-profile. The smooth and somewhat hard lines of his face made him look a tad uncaring.

However, having him seated beside her, Yun Wei felt a sense of closeness.

A radiant smile broke across her face.

Life wasn't treating her too badly, right?

The next morning, Yun Wei showed up to class.

Despite its very stringent entry criteria, this university was, on the contrary, fairly relaxed and forgiving when it came to class attendance and lessons.

Perhaps it was because those who'd made it into this university were either highly intelligent with the innate ability to catch on quickly to whatever was being taught, or were extremely hard-working, making up for their lack of natural talent. Generally speaking, the teachers didn't' need to nag the students to get on with their studies, because everyone was conscientious and worked hard on their own accord.

That was why, even after she'd been away for three full months, Yun Wei wasn't reprimanded by most of her teachers, who didn't really care where she'd been.

From the moment Yun Wei stepped into the classroom, she was greeted by many of the classmates who'd gone to the dinner at the five-star hotel the night before.

Smiling sweetly and innocently, Yun Wei politely greeted them in return.

Jian Zhifei also walked up to her. "Yun Wei, making time to attend class today?" she asked.

"Yep," Yun Wei responded flatly.

Jian Zhifei was usually very arrogant, like a peacock standing tall, and never took the initiative to engage anyone.

However, at her birthday party, Yun Wei had helped her save face and made her look really good.

So she took the initiative to be friendly and engage Yun Wei for the first time.

She tossed Yun Wei a notebook, saying, "This semester's notes. On loan to you for two days."

"Thank you," Yun Wei replied, catching the book.

When Hua Shasha walked into class and noticed Yun Wei, she was shocked.

Yun Wei's mind. Had she really recovered?

If yes, what was the extent of the recovery?

The things that she and Bai Wenping had done. Was Yun Wei aware of them?