Don’t Lie

When the teacher saw that it was Yun Wei who had stood up, his anger subsided, and he calmed down a lot. Yun Wei had always been the model student with good grades. She was obedient and rarely caused them any trouble.

In fact, the teacher liked Yun Wei very much.

In a much calmer tone, he asked, "Yun Wei, can you tell us why you did this?'

"Sir, but I didn't do anything… We recently found many rats at the place where I live. In fact, they made so much noise at night that I couldn't sleep well. My Auntie Ji told me to buy a mousetrap. So, I bought a mousetrap and left it in the drawer," Yun Wei explained innocently, adding, "I had no idea that it would hurt anyone."

"Is that so..." The teacher seemed inclined to believe her. After all, Yun Wei's demeanor was one that easily made others believe what she said.

However, Hua Shasha was getting worried and decided to go on the offensive. "Yun Wei, so it was you. Since you bought a mousetrap, why didn't you keep it in a safe place? This time, it was me who got hurt, but what if someone else gets injured the next time around? That wouldn't be good, right? I won't take issue with this incident, but please remember to keep these things safely put away in the future."

Having said her piece, Hua Shasha turned to the teacher and said, "Sir, let's just forget it. Let's not reprimand Yun Wei for this."

She pretended to be forgiving and unconcerned about the whole matter to gain brownie points and allow the incident to quickly blow over so as not to generate more interest or questions.

But how could Yun Wei sit back allow her to do so?

Yun Wei smiled and said, "Yes, Auntie Ji also instructed me to keep the item in a safe place. That was why I put it securely in the drawer. I really don't know how it could have hurt Hua Shasha. I'm so sorry."

Being busted in public by Yun Wei for lying, Hua Shasha was surely going to retaliate.

Banking on the fact that Yun Wei's mind was still fuzzy, she immediately responded, "Yun Wei, I think you might have remembered wrongly. This mousetrap of yours was on your desk, so how could it have been in the drawer?"

Now, this reply was exactly what Yun Wei had been waiting for. After Hua Shasha finished talking, Yun Wei put on an aggrieved expression and replied, "I didn't forget, really. I definitely put the mousetrap in the drawer."

"Yun Wei, stop lying!" Hua Shasha was terrified that the truth about her ploy to steal the diamond necklace might be exposed.

While the other students weren't aware of Hua Shasha's true nature, Jian Zhifei was a perceptive person who'd had first-hand experience with her scheming ways at her birthday party. Terrified that Jian Zhifei might step in to comment on this incident and add oil to the fire, Hua Shasha was determined to turn the situation around and quickly bring it to an end.

Pretending to be an innocent victim who'd been wronged, Yun Wei shook her head. "I'm not lying, really. I'm not a liar!"

That said, she pulled open the drawer.

All eyes were immediately drawn to the drawer that Yun Wei had pulled open.

They saw that inside the drawer was a velvet box and Yun Wei's notebook, which was stained with a few drops of fresh blood.

Yun Wei waited until everyone had had a good look before she pointed to the open drawer and said loudly, "This is where I put it earlier."

She didn't say that the bloodstains were evidence. Neither did she say anything else.

Because, in Hua Shasha's presence, she had to continue to pretend to be half-witted. She didn't want the fact that she'd recovered to be so easily exposed.

That was why everything she said was simple and monotonous, like the words of a young child just a few years of age.

Also, in regard to sticking to her guns, she was just as stubborn as a child, never allowing anyone to smear her name.

She did believe, however, that the teacher and her classmates weren't idiots and that they'd soon realize the truth about what had actually happened after they saw the bloodstains.

True enough, one of the male students said, "It looks like Yun Wei did put the mousetrap in the drawer. Otherwise, why would there be fresh bloodstains inside it?"

The others followed the male student's lead and asked, "Correct. Hua Shasha, did you reach into the drawer with your hand?"